Chapter 27: Pushing Past The Limit

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“So much for hoping she was doing better than me.” I said bluntly after Steel told us that Kalila and Silver were captured. Meeting up with Max and Steel, I let loose a big sigh that soon turned into a groan. “Whhhyyyyyy? You know what? I’m taking them back to they’re reality once we save them. I don’t even care about Laizen anymore. She’s just being annoying.” I complained.

“So you’re just going to abandon us? Just like that?” Max asked. I looked to him, frowning. “Look. Not trying to be rude or anything but, I’m just wanting more than this. At this rate, I might go crazy being trapped in this universe. Besides, being a hero gets boring after awhile.” I said.

I guess that makes sense. I’d feel like that too if I couldn’t do something that didn’t involve being Max Steel. I might not know you like your Max but, I’m sure everything will work itself out eventually.” Max says. I looked down realizing that I was changing way too fast.

“Maybe you should take some time off. We’ll find Kalila and Silver.” Violet says just as a jump-jet landed near us. I nodded and felt my body dragging going inside. I yawned and closed my eyes letting sleep take over.

In my dream, I found myself back home. Walking around lead me to the scenery changing to N-Tek but I saw Tachya with another girl. The girl looked somewhat like me but I couldn’t comprehend why. “We’ll save Alyssa. We have too.” Tachya says. “Are you sure I can fight? I don’t want to hurt my mom. And I still have Allen to look after. He’s only three years old.” The girl says.

“Lacy, my mom can watch him. Besides, he’s adorable.” Tachya says. I walked over to them and realized that the girl- Lacy- was apparently my child. I was confused but thought that this was probably something in the future. Shifting again, I find myself in a very familiar place. Familiar because of one line.

“Suck it Blues!” a voice says. I smiled as I watched this dream unfold. Caboose in the tank, Tucker and Church on the ledge, and Red Team just below. “Tucker did it!” Caboose called out. “Caboose, I’m right here! Besides, Lav is waiting back at base. Bow chicka bow wow.” Tucker says. I chuckled but everything faded as I woke up.

“You know, I wasn’t expecting you to fall asleep starting your time off.” Violet says. “Look, I wasn’t getting much sleep and fatigue takes a toll on the human body. You wouldn’t know because you’re and ultralink.” I said. “Can you please not start this? I still haven’t forgotten what you were saying while you were stuck in a wall.” Violet says.

I groaned but sat up to look around. I was in the med-bay at N-Tek, for starters. Swinging my legs off, I get up and head to the holo-sim to train. After a few rounds of the easy levels, I raised the level to the next one. That being amateur/intermediate. “Maybe you should rest. You haven’t eaten anything since you woke up.” Violet says.

“I’m fine. I’ll eat after I train. I can’t let Max and Steel get captured when we go save Kalila and Silver from Laizen.” I said between my attacks on the simulated enemies. “I’m not going to just stand by as you ignore your health. First you don’t sleep. Now you don’t eat. WHY ARE YOU HURTING YOURSELF!?” Violet asks.

I paused to catch a breath then sliced the Dredd-Naught, completing the training level. “I’ll go eat now. Geez, I just want to protect my friends to avoid letting them get hurt because of me. The damage is already done and now I’m trying to compensate to correct those mistakes.” I said.

I walk out of the holo-sim and found Max and Steel waiting for me in the main room. “Violet said that you needed to get food. So, we’ll take you to get it and after that, Forge said that we’re going to advance into enemy territory to rescue Kalila and Silver.” Steel says. I nodded and followed them to a place similar to McDonalds. And hour later, we were back at N-Tek gearing up for the invasion into Laizen’s realm place. And I was the key to getting us in.


Sorry for the short chapter but I've been busy with school and moving. But, this summer break will be the summer of stories for sure. Keep an eye out for a possible Tachya's Story chapter. Hope you guys understand and enjoy the rest of your day/night!


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