Chapter 49: Nothing Creative, Only Extreme Boredom

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We all turned around and saw Laizen in front of us. My thoughts started to speed up and I started to mentally panic. Why did it happen like this? We aren’t ready. The only thing that kept me from losing it was the fact that I wasn’t alone and I had to stay positive.

Laizen smirked at us while walking closer. “Thank you for being here to witness the final part of my plan. Riut, restrain them and separate them from their ultralinks. Only one of them is needed.” Laizen says.

Instantly, shadow tendrils swirl around and tighten around our bodies. I make a squeak of pain and saw Violet get forced out of our link. But to complicate things for Laizen, Violet switches into her human form. Laizen growls but walks away as the three of us were put into cells. Or two separate cells because Max is a boy while Kalila and I were girls.

Where the ultralinks were taken, I have no clue. All I could think was how to get us out of these cells and to stop Laizen once and for all. But how to get out seemed impossible. Especially when I was surrounded by two energy charged teens that now have a countdown to detonation.

“Its my fault that this is happening. You guys wouldn’t be involved if I hadn’t been corrupted. Everything has happened so fast and yet, I know that this was caused by me.” I said. Kalila looked to me. “We still have a chance. Just because you think you started this, think again. Laizen has been messing with your mind. We’re all in this together, whether you like it or not. We’ll get out and defeat Laizen and then we can all go home.” Kalila says.

I look to her and all I could see was that ‘home’ was almost a foreign word right now. We could’ve left using Violet but then Laizen would’ve followed us. “Thanks Kalila.” I said with a small smile.

Third POV

Violet, despite being in her human form, was restrained and she saw Silver had done the same. Steel, on the other hand, was actually whining about how he couldn’t turn human. “Why can’t I get the ability to turn human?” he says.

Violet chuckled softly but continued to pull and struggle from her restraints. “I don’t think us becoming human did us any good. Why did we do it again?” Silver asked. “For me, its so it’ll take longer for Laizen to try using my abilities. And I kind of figured we wouldn’t be able to talk to the others through our links because Laizen would make it so we can’t.” Violet says.

“I guess that makes sense. But doesn’t this mean Laizen will wait until Max and Kalila start to overload?” Steel asked. “That’s probably when she can get the most of their energies. Just to power whatever she has planned.” Silver says. “What if I tried to free you two so we can get to the others? I’m still an ultralink and I could use my reserves to zap the restraints.” Steel suggests.

Violet shakes her head. “Not gonna happen. We aren’t risking your life just to escape. We’ll find a way without you or Silver using your energy reserves. That’s final.” Violet says. Steel started mumbling incoherent words.

Violet sighs and continued to struggle but had no success. ‘Really wish Alyssa was here to distract me from everything right now.’ She thought.

Alyssa POV

I groaned as I slumped onto the floor. I was bored and its not like I could make a story in my head to distract me. I was conscience of how long its been because of my watch. It was a Lego Ninjago watch themed as Lloyd from the Lego Ninjago Movie.

Kalila and Max on the other hand weren’t going to give up just yet. They even discussed in hushed voices so I couldn’t hear. I mentally waved them off and laid down and faced the ceiling. Plain white. Everything was a white color or a slightly light gray. I was bored to the point that I would fall asleep. But I didn’t. Only because I had my phone and felt like I could play a game or read a story to ease my boredom. And as it turned out, it was dead and I couldn’t charge it. So much for fun time.

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