Chapter 39: Preparing For The End

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“We leave the rest to you.” Kalila’s voice said. I looked around realizing that the shadows were clearing up slightly. I could also hear Max shout Turbo Pulse clearing more shadows. I frowned knowing I couldn’t emit light of any kind but the light levels were enough for Violet to portal me out.

Regrouping with the others, Riut and Meta were gone. ‘We almost had them too! They’re just too powerful.’ I thought. “I’m sure you guys will be ready for the final battle against them.” Violet says in my head. ‘And if we’re not? Violet, we lost time to train because of my memory problem and the fact that you and Silver were turned human. We aren’t even near the level to take them on. Let alone Laizen.’ I thought back.

“Then how about we run a training sim right now? You three have to finish the objective together as a team. It’ll be timed and recorded so we can fix the mistakes that you might make while there. I have a similar layout in my memory banks after hacking Laizen’s systems during the rescue mission.” Violet says. I groaned but let myself flop onto the mattress Violet had been using.

‘We’ll train in the morning. I’m tired and would rather have Morgan and Ember here during the training. Besides, I think you should be with Ember. I think you two would be amazing together. I can kind of already picture what it’d be like if you two had children now. Heh.’ I thought. “Alyssa! Just go to sleep!” Violet says flustered. I chuckled and laid down and fell asleep.

The next few days breezed by as well all trained. Morgan got paired with me and Kalila with Max. I enjoyed the training since it kept my mind off the inevitable future. I never thought that I’d be afraid of it but I was. Having everyone here together was the best thing I could ask for. But all good things must come to an end. Stories end, new adventures begin. The cycle continues to the ends of time.

When we started the whole team training, Morgan and Max were holding off the simulated Riut and Meta while Kalila and I were going for the simulated version of Laizen. Each difficulty was harder than the last and there were some where it took more than one try to complete. By the time we got to break time, I sighed in relief after sucking down my water.

“I’m ready to do completely nothing. I’m pooped.” I said. Violet looks to me with a face of annoyance and astonishment combined. “You were complaining about not being good enough just a while ago. Now you’re took tired to continue?” Violet asked. I frowned but let my head hit the wall with a ‘thump' sound.

“Its weird not having Uncle Ferrus nagging at Steel and I to train.” Max says. “Wait till he hears that we were doing it without him having to tell us to. That’ll surprise him.” Steel mentions. “I’m still new to this training stuff but Ember has helped me out with some of it. But I agree with Alyssa. I’m fricking tired. I want to play some Minecraft or Mario Kart on her Nintendo Switch.” Morgan says.

“If you stop training now and start playing videogames, you’ll never be ready for the fight. You all need to be prepared for any scenario Laizen throws at you.” Ember says. “You clearly don’t understand fatigue, Ember. Relaxing helps our bodies so we don’t over exert past our limits. And most of us have reached our limits in training right now.” I said.

“I guess I could take a small break.” Kalila says. I smiled. “We’ll go take an hour break while the rest of you can stay and do what you do best.” I said standing up. “I’ll set up your game so you can play.” Violet says walking away. “Why don’t you go with her Ember?” I suggest. He sighs and trudges after Violet.

Third POV

Violet is at the giant computer setting things up when Ember walks up next to her. “Need any help, Violet?” He asked. She looks up to him and shook her head. “I’m just about done. It’s a simple setup that takes at least a few minutes tops. Did you want to help?” She asked.

“Actually, Alyssa suggested for me to go with you.” He said. Violet slightly blushes when she realized what Alyssa had in mind. “Ember, do you know what you’ll do when this is over?” Violet asked. “Well, I was hoping I could hangout with you more. Maybe I could take you out somewhere once we get the chance.” Ember says.

“Like a date?” Violet asked. He nods. “I guess I should’ve waited until after but, I like like you Violet. The others were just trying to give us the push once they realized we started liking each other.” Ember says. “Then I would love to go out with you. I’m sure there’s a place we can go to that’s a big city or tucked away in the woods. I can take us to wherever we want.” Violet says. Ember smiles and the two left the room to get the others for their game.

During the hour break, there were multiple rounds of Mario Kart. Then Kalila somehow convinced everyone to try out Mortal Kombat 11. Alyssa opted out from the game and so did Morgan. Max and Kalila did a few rounds until they all had to return to training. By the time it got dark, everyone was exhausted either physically or mentally. With no energy, everyone ate pizza for dinner and went to bed.

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