The Coming Danger -Chapter 48 (CFH)

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Holo-Sim - Universe 1


{Kalila’s POV}

“Why don’t you and Max try taking back the energy? Even if its synthetic versions of your energy, it should still react the same,” Alyssa asked, trying to come up with a plan.

Max and I glance to each other. A silent message shot between us. Even Steel and Silver were part of it as they followed our thoughts.

Max and I couldn’t absorb the energy. We are the generators, the battery. We weren’t the siphoner.

“We’ll handle these guys while you make sure Meta is in her cell still.” Max says.

Alyssa nodded. She was about to start charging when I suddenly grabbed her wrist. It caught us both off guard.

“Please be careful,” I found myself saying, “You and Violet are very important to this and we need to be together when we finally face Laizen.”

Alyssa seemed to smile without a care in the world.

“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure I come back in one piece with Violet,” Alyssa said, taking off after Meta.

My senses and nerves were jumping around like crazy, much more than usual. My mind only did this when something bad was about to happen.


Kayla’s - Universe 3


{Third Person}

Kayla laid down in her bed trying to get a well deserved nap. Volleyball practice and advanced courses in school had drained her. As she tried to relax her body Kayla had a scene flash across her mind.

With her bed creaking as she shifted her weight, Kayla sat up.

“No,” Kayla muttered.

She closed her eyes, trying to change the view of her ‘vision’ but it remained the same.

“I so hope I am seeing this wrong or at least the bad part of it...” Kayla continued to mutter.

Kayla reached to her window on the left side of her bed. Once she moved the curtain she could see her phone which sat on the window ledge. Upon pressing a few buttons on the phone, a call started dialing.

“Hello,” Morgan answered over the phone.

“Hey Morgan.”

“Kayla? Is that you?” Morgan asked.

“Yes. I didn’t get your number for no reason,” Kayla said.

Kayla was a follower of the cyber protection rules that had been taught to her since 3rd grade. Not only that but her parents also agreed with them so Kayla often followed them. This was one of the times she went behind there back ,but hey, talking to a literal superhero on the fate of the universes depended on it was a good excuse.

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