Book 1: Chapter 1

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Hello, so I've been reading Doctor Who fanfics on where someone gets trapped in the Doctor's dimension and there are only a few so i though why not make my own. now if there are any mistakes tell me because that would be helpful and this is the first multi chapter story that I am going to write so it might be only weekly or anytime I have free time to write or well type the next chapter, and if you want like a specific episode then tell me and maybe I will do it, I was think on throwing the 12th doctor in here too tell me what you think, so anyway i'm rambling so hope you enjoy.


"Next time, never listen to Dylan, when he says that he will be right back, then again maybe I shouldn't have wondered off and find a glowing door" I muttered to myself while wandering around a hallway. "Or I shouldn't have even tried to get into the glowing door, look where it got me, even more lost, I hope I don't miss the panel Dylan will kill me if I'm late"

Let's just say this stared in a hallway at Comic Con.


"Please, please, please, come on Harmony I don't want to miss this event," My best friend Dylan said. "This is a one-time thing, and I must not miss it like AT ALL!"

"Okay, okay just let me get my bag," I told him as I went into my room to grab my bag. "Okay ready, so what do you think?" I asked Matt as I walked back out into the sitting room.

"hmm, oh yea you look nice, now let's go we are going to be late and I'm not going to miss this panel!" he responded as he grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door.

"You didn't even look at me," I muttered to him as I got into the car.

"Sorry, but really this is the best thing and I know that you want to meet the cast as well as I do so quite complaining." He said as we started driving.

"I know but you do realize that this is Comic Con and there will be a lot of people there right so our chances may be small." I said

"Yeah I know, but you never know we could get to meet him and I want to be prepared." he said.

"Right, let's just get there as soon as we can." I said.

"Right" Dylan said as he turned on the radio while we drove to Comic Con.


"Thank goodness we are here, I don't think I could stand sitting in the car any longer" I said to Dylan as we got out and walked over to registration to check in and get our passes.

"You're not the one who was driving, and it wasn't that long only like 30 minutes or so..." Dylan trailed off.

"Yup only 30 minutes, felt longer than that." I said

"Oh shush you," Dylan sassed.

"I'll shush when you shush," I sassed back at him.


After we got our passes we had about 30 minutes before the panel started and Dylan had to go to the bathroom.

"Look it's over there" I said as I pointed to a sign that said where the bathrooms were. "Just go and I'll be looking around so come and find me after, then we can go to the panel."

"Right, cool hold my sonic screwdriver for me okay, don't want to lose it, that would be bad." Dylan said.

"Okay, okay I'll hold your sonic screwdriver, just go and hurry up we don't want to miss it." I replied as I took his toy sonic screwdriver from him.

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