Chapter 2: Lavender

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"Is it this way?"

I nodded. After that little incident, I felt like I really wanted to jump off the bridge. That was embarrassing! I was holding in the snot, afraid to stain his hoodie. I was being a die hard fan. Well, I was but- I felt like I was weirding him out! Later on he insisted on walking me home. I walked behind him, too awkward to stand beside him. He looked back, slightly frowning. I flinched when he suddenly stop, walking to my side. He lightly held my shoulder and continued to walk.

"It's dangerous to walk behind me. What if I turned back and you're not there anymore?" He said, looking straight ahead.

I gulped, damn was he tall.

"I litteraly live just right in the corner." He said. Staring at my apartment.

"Really? " My voice sounded a little to excited much to my dismay.

"Yeah, that means I can visit you sometime?" He said, smiling shyly. "Wait, I haven't catch your name."

"It's Y/n."

"Okay, a pleasure meeting you Y/n. I'd love to chat with you more, but it's late. Make sure you don't lean into a bridge again." He waved as he walked away. I waved back smiling. I watched his back walk farther away from me. Soon he looked back, that got me into a panic and quickly ran to my apartment.

That. Was. Unexplainable. To think I met him in the most funniest way. I was leaning against my door, smiling like an idiot. It was late, and I dont think that I'll be getting any sleep.


I woke up, feeling like a vampire who has slept in his coffin for a hundred of years. But what happened last night played in my mind like a movie, making me so motivated to start the day.

I opened my curtains, letting all the light in. I smiled, feeling the sun touched my skin. (Oh shit that was a great rhyme LOL- Im sorry.) As soon as I looked down, my eyes met with a very familiar person. His purple hair was so eye catching.

He stopped, looking up and soon our eyes met. I smiled, and waved at him which he also replied with a wave. But then I realized something.

I'm a mess.

I was in my Pajamas, my hair, my face, my-

I quickly duck, hurting my arm in the process. What the hell is wrong with me? I hissed, massaging my arm. This is going to leave a bruise.

After a few minutes, I decided to peek. I sighed in relief when he was nowhere in sight. I quickly went to the showers to fix myself. I went to my mirror, deciding to put on a little make up and- Wait. What the... what am I doing? It's not like I'm meeting him right now. Then why am I...

I huffed. I'm such a fangirl. I fixed my bed, I quickly went to the kitchen considering I was so hungry. I was about fo grab a pan when someone rang my doorbell. I frowned, walking towards my door. I looked through the hole to see who was disturbing on a really early morning.

What you guys think it was Stephen? Inviting me to go for a walk?

Sadly no. I wish your thoughts were true though. But unfortunately it was a friend of mine. I rolled my eyes as I opened the door.


"Wow, hate me that much?"

"Well the only ever reason you visit me is a.) You're too lazy to cook at your place." I began, but neverthless letting him in.

"B.) You want something from me." He sat on my couch, feeling like it was his home. He even placed his feet on the coffee table. The nerve of this idiot, I can't believe this guy's a 'friend'.

"Now which of the two choices, are your reasons to be here this early?" I said, arms crossed as I stood infront of him. He raised his hand signalling me to wait. He was giving out a fake thingking expression which honestly made me pissed out more.

"C.) All the above?" He grinned, like he was a kid who thought he got perfect on a quiz or something.

I huffed, continuing the thing that I was suppose to do in the kitchen. I'm just going to pretend that I didn't see anything.

"Y/n I'm kidding! I'm just here to tell you something." (Name of choice) said as he grabbed an apple.

"This early in the morning?" I glrared. "Suspicious."

"Why not?" He said, taking a bite on his apple. "There's a party at the new guys house this evening. Also, (another name you can think of I am terribly sorry) said that you guys are going to have to meet up later for... uh girls thing?" He shrugged.

I huffed. You have got to be kidding me. "I'm not going."

"Which one?"

"The first one."

"Oh no, no, no. You're either going with us or I have to drag you there." He dared.

"Now you-"

"So that's all I have to say, thanks for the apple. And be sure to be ready by... 7 pm. Bye Y/n!" He finally said his last words before leaving.

I huffed.

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