Chapter 8: Cream(?)

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"You guys sure you want me to pick the movie?" I asked once again. The three of us were squished in the couch, Hosuh and Daniel on my both sides while Stephen beside Hosuh. I don't know how we fit, but I was comfortable with my position. In fact, I look too comfortable with them.

I took a bath and changed into *EHEM EHEM* Hosuh's Pajamas. I swear it took me 10 minutes to squeel, smell it, convince myself that I was definitely not dreaming.

I was hugging a pillow while holding the remote, picking a movie that all of us would enjoy. It was hard really, cause I was afraid they wouldn't like it and I'd get judge. After a few minutes of scrolling through Netflix, I stumbled upon a familiar movie.


"Yeah, I heard of this but I never really got to watch it." I said, putting the remote down on the coffee table.

(Don't judge me, I actually just watched this a few days ago with my family so... why not?)

"What's it about?" Daniel asked.

"Shut up Daniel, don't bother watching if your just going to ask." Stephen said.

Daniel was about to answer back when Hosuh shushed both of them up. The movie soon started and I leaned back into the couch. I hugged my pillow into me and exhaled.

Daniel's scent, and Hosuh's scent. Fuuuu-

"Oh wow. That looks like... like a moving sperm cell." Stephen commented.

"That looks painful." Hosuh mumbled, gulping loudly.

"What the- why'd he even go there?!" Daniel exclaim, ruffling his head in frustration.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THAT ENDING?! WHAT?! THAT MADE NO SENSE AT ALL!" Stephen stood up, screaming in cursing at the director and the movie. Hosuh was pissed too, but he only complained normally. As for Daniel, him and Stephen were partners in crime.

"I'm sorry for choosing that movie, If I'd knew the ending sucked-"

"No, this is what they wanted. Of course the director did this on purpose to frustrate the audience, that's how a movie becomes successful." Hosuh said, frowning as he turned off the TV. "It was educational though."

I yawned, not really in the mood to join them. I felt a little drowsy, feeling okay to finally go back to sleep. Hosuh noticed me yawned, he offered to take me to my room and I nodded in reply.

"I feel too frustrated to sleep." Stephen huffed, following me and Hosuh.

"Where are you going to sleep?" I asked Stephen, feeling my eyelids drop.

"Hosuh's room."

Hosuh frowned. "What? Who said that?"

"Uhh me?" Before Hosuh could speak, Stephen bolted into a room,  which I'm guessing Hosuh's room.

"Too late!" Hosuh sighed and I only chuckled. When we stopped, he turned to me.

"So... Goodnight then?"

I nodded. "Thank you for your help, I really owe you."

He smiled. "That's fine. Sleep well Y/n." He said shutting the door. I collapsed in the bed, falling asleep almost instantly. But I smiled, as I smelled the scent of lavender on the sheets.



There was a knock on the door, with a familar voice speaking my name. I groaned, forcing myself to wake up. I almost panicked when I noticed this was not my room. The scene from last night replayed on my mind like a movie.  Last nigt? I meant earlier this morning.

"She still might be asleep."

"It's noon, she has to wake up somehow."

I immediately sat up, it's noon?! I jumped out of bed and without a thought, I opened the door. I was met with the purple and green headed. They both turned their head and looked at me.

"Uhh.. morning?" I said half awake.

"You mean afternoon. Come on, let's have lunch." Stephen said who sounded like he was rushing. I looked at Daniel but he seems like he was avoiding my gaze. Then it hit me.

"Where's your bathroom?"

"Beside Hosuh's room." As fast as flash I ran there and locked the door. I can't believe I just let them see me in this state! I had a crazy bed hair, and I looked like I drooled, and a lot of bed marks all over my cheeks. I looked like someone who had the most comfortable sleep of her life, and they had to saw it. Well at least not all of them...

Just then, the curtain shower opened, making me turn to it cautiously. My eyes met with the white headed one. His hair was dripping wet, almost like he didn't bother drying it off with. A towel wrapped around his waist and for the cherry on top, he was topless.

Wait. His hair.

Was wet. Not in a pony tail, it was down to his shoulders, and it was wet. And he was topless.

Shet. What. The. Heck. Is. This.

Not sure how long I was staring at him, but I noticed that his face was getting a bit red, he grabbed the shower curtain closing it again. I snapped back from my thoughts and felt my cheeks burned up too.

"S-sorry!" We both said in unison. I gulped, fixing myself in the mirror and opened the door to leave.

"I-Im really sorry Hosuh." I said and closed the door.

I stood there, still feeling a lot of emotions which were freaking me out. I wanted to squel, seeing Hosuh with his hair down. I wanted to be mad at myself for being like that, this was his house and I kinda just barged in the bathroom like that. I wanted to stop being embarassed, I don't even know his full name yet but now I've him topless. I wanted to cry because I was so-

I jumped when the door suddenly opened. Hosuh's hair was still down and I cursed at my fangirl thoughts. He had a towel over his head, and now wearing some clothes. None of us said anything at first. I wad biting my lip, preventing myself not to cry. I feel like he was so mad at me.



"Y-you go first." He mumbled.

Without any hesitation, I took a deep breath and said "I'm so sorry Hosuh please don't be mad at me I'm such a terrible person I'm sorry for staring at you and I'm so sorry for barging in like that this isn't even my house and I perfectly understand that you hate me now and all I want to say is sorry so please do not hate me that much." I was panting after I said that. I was looking at the ground, too afraid to see his expression.

"Hey, it's okay. It was my fault for not locking the door. I was used to it, considering I never brought a.. girl to my house." He said, turning a bit red again.

"Oh... in that case... uhh..." I chuckled nervously, I didn't really know what to connect. "Sh-shall we have breakfast?"

He nodded. "It's kinda  brunch though." He smiled and started to walk downstair. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself, and followed him.


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