Chapter 9.2: Lilac

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"You know..."

I turned my attention to her. Her hair was still messy, but somehow tamed than a while ago when she suddenly opened her door. I swear she looked like Anna in that Frozen movie, but neverthless she looked pretty. I was walking her home, still in our pajamas but we didn't really care.

"I was wondering, why didn't you cut your hair like your mohawk animation self?"

I frowned. No way in hell I'd do that to my hair. That'd be a double kill for me, I get my hair ruin by this stupid dye purple thing, and turn my hair into a mohawk which didn't really looked good on me. Totally unfair.

"Just... didn't think it would fit me. Besides, this thing is temporary. The haircut isn't." I said, putting my hands inside my pocket.

"You were forced?"

"Kinda? We had a bet. I lost." I said, frowning at the memory.

She chuckled, nodding. We walked a few inches apart. For some reason, I was afraid of our shouulders meeting. I feel like if it did I'd flinch back, I do not have any explanation if that happen.

Shit. What the hell is happening to me?

"Hey Stephen." She turned to me, her (color of eyes) meeting to mine. "I have to thank you again, for saving me at the bridge. And crying into your shirt." She said, mumbling the last part.

"I want to make it up to you." She stated, stopping infront of me.

I looked at her in amusement, well I can't stop her right? "What are your options."

"Uhh.. actually it's up to you."

I hummed, tapping my fingers in my chin thingking. "How about..." I glanced at her, seeing her nervous face and the way sbe gulped.

"You come with us?"

She blinked. "Huh?"

"We're going somewhere... I think." I said unsurely. "I want you, to hang out with us."

"That's it?"

I smirked. "You wanted something else? Maybe a date, just the twk of us?"

"No! Wait-I mean... that would be wonderful-uh I mean, ths first one isn't so bad but..." She bit her lip, turning away as she tried to hide her reddened face. I laughed, putting my arms around her shoulder as I began to walk.

"I'll take that as a yes."


Short. As hell. This was actually just an extra, considering I didn't make two chapters for the purple guy. But hope you enjoyed!

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