Chapter 13: Dark purple

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Running out of freaking name colors, help me.

I flipped the pancake from the pan, landing back perfectly. My thoughts were elsewhere as I placed the pancake on its plate, taking a seat.

First of all, how'd I get in my bed? Did they brought me here?

Obviosly Y/n geez. It's not like you'll sleep walk all the way back home.

Great. I'm having a pep talk again.

When I woke up, I felt gross. I was wearing the same clothes I wore when I swam in the beach yesterday. I'm not going to complain there, I'm glad they didn't change me. I instead, woke up with a bunch of blankets wrapped around me like a taco. My hair felt dry as hell, so I quickly took a bath the moment I came to my senses. A 2 hour bath to be exact.

I flipped through the photos from yesterday as I ate. I smiled, seeing the group photo we took from the beach. We tried to be aesthetic, so we made a stand out of sand for the phone. With the timer of 10 seconds, we stood by the sunset and tada, a good photo. Hosuh and Daniel stood by my side while Stephen stood beside Daniel. I can't wait to print this out and frame it.

A notification suddenly poped out. It was from Hosuh and Daniel.


      Morning Y/n, sorry if we entered your house without permission. We thought you'd feel uncomfortable if we let you sleep in my house again.


       I had fun yesterday, hope we can hang out sometime again!


        Good morning Y/n.

Stephen was the only one who didn't message me. Maybe he hasn't have my number? Pfft, why do I care? Its not like I'm expecting him to greet me too. I found Hosuhs long messages cute, so I replied to him first.

After I've replied to Daniel, my phone suddenly rang with an unknown number. I frowned, hesitating if I should answer. After 5 rings, I sighed and and decided to answer it.


I didn't answer. I was biting my lip out of nervousness.

"Y/n? It's me, Stephen."

My face instantly lit up.

"Oh, Hi Stephen!" I greeted, too hyper than I intended to be. His chuckle was heared on the other line.

"Goodmorning Y/n. How was your sleep?"

"Well... It-It was good." I stood up, placing my plate on the sink.

"That's great. We're sorry if we barged in to your house without your permission last night. We figured-"

"N-No! It's okay. I mean, I appreciate for bringing me home safely last night."

"No Problem. I also have washed the shirt, scarf and towel that we borrowed last night. It's still in the dryers though. When do you want me to return it?"

"Umm.. until it's dry?"

"I mean, when are you free?"


There was a slight pause.

"How about later this noon?"

"S-sure." I clutched into into the Hem of my shirt .

"Alright then. See you Y/n."

I quickly ended the call, not bothering to answer. That was the first most nervous and awkward call I've ever had with a guy.

After I washed the dishes, I went to my bedroom started to do work. I plan to be productive today, since I have a shit ton of papers to finish. It was my day off, but I wanted to feel busy.

After a few hours, I jumped to my bed, taking a break. My back and hands were aching from all of that writing and typing. Feeling hungry all of a sudden I went down to grab a bite.

As soon as I opened the fridge, the doorbell suddenly rang. I groaned.

"What is it with people arriving as soon as I reach for food." I grumbled, swinging the door open. A certain purple headed appeared.

"Did I... Disturb you?"

My widened, slowly shaking my head no.

"Well, just came here to deliver this as promise." He said, handing me a paper bag. "Also, Hosuh wanted me to tell you that you're free to go to his house anytime you... fullfil your promise to him."

I frowned. What promise?

"Which is?.." He was waiting for me to tell him what it was. But I was confused as he was.

I promised Hosuh something? Why the hell can't I remember? Stephen seemed to notice me in panick, so he chuckled.

"Does it has something to do with... Cooking?"

Then it clicked. "Oh! Yeah, damn. I almost forgot about it."

He smiled, mumbling something. "Is this how you really get a girl, Hosuh?"


"Nothing. I'd like to stay but I have something to do." He gave a salute and winked. "See ya around Y/n."


Who else died when the video of them going to vidcon?





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