Chapter 7: Violet

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"You didn't even call the police after that?"

"I already did. He was passed out pretty bad so I doubt he would escape before the police comes."

I was sitting in a couch, with a cup of coffee in my hand. Daniel sat on the other couch on my left, and Hosuh sat beside me. He was keeping a distance though, he looked at me with worry but he was hesitating again.

"Where's Stephen?" Daniel asked, dringking up his coffee.

"He said he'll be here."

Daniel turned his attention to me. "Have you met Stephen yet?"

I placed my cup down on the table and nodded. "Yeah, its a... weird experience but I did. Yesterday. Wait no-the other day." Gosh what's happening to me?

Before Hosuh could speak, the doorbell rang. Hosuh stood up and went to the door to answer it. Silence sat between us once again. I didn't want to speak, neither did he. I was still shocked on what happened earlier. That was the first time I got introuble like that, and who would have thought that's how me and Daniel met. Meeting the three of them, gave me a very unique experience. Now that I've think of it, each one of them saved and helped me. I owe them big time.

Also, you've hugged the three of them, cried in front of them, and seen you in your worst moment. In a veery unique way indeed.

"How weird was it?" Daniel spoked, breaking the silence and cutting me off from my thoughts.  At first I loomed at him in confusion, but then finally getting it.

"I almost fell from the bridge at 3 am and he saved me just in time." I answered directly.

His eyes widened. "That's not weird, that's dangerous!" I smiled sheepishly at him.

"How about Hosuh?"

"He saved me from his cousin at the mall."

He nodded. "That's also dangerous. His cousin is a pure demon. "

I nodded too. "Agreed."

Hosuh came back a moment after, with Stephen on his back.

"Now why the fuck would you ask me to leave then tell me to come back when I was about to lie down on my bed?! Are you trying to get back at me for-" He stopped when he saw me. He looked back at Hosuh with disbelief then back at me.


"Um.. Hi." I greeted him with a smile. He looked at the all of us and frowned.

"Wait you guys know her?"

"Alright then, the three of us will be having a meeting! Hosuh, Stephen, come with me. Y/n, stay there and relax. You must have feel shock from earlier." He stood up, putting his arms around the two.

"Wha- wait! What happened-"

Before Stephen could finish, Daniel dragged them to the kitchen with Stephen and Hosuh complaining.

I chuckled. They were so cute. I can't believe I'm in Hosuh's house, I can't believe I met the three of them. This feels so surreal. I smiled to myself, resting my head on on the the couch. I was tired but I wasn't sleepy. I still felt uneasy because of what happened earlier, and I won't be surprised if I suddenly have a phobia of parties because I will never attend one ever again.

"Y/n, would you like to-oh."

"Pfft, you're too loud."

"This is my house."

"Well there's a beautiful lady sleeping so make it an exception." I heard Stephen chuckled. I felt my cheek burned, did he just called me pretty? No of course not.  He called me beautiful.  I could feel my cheeks warmed. Hearing that from makes me want to smike like an idiot, but I didn't know if I should just pretend that I was sleeping, or let them find our on their own. I felt someone sat beside me.

"She's actually awake." Hosuh said.

"She heard you." Daniel cooed.


"Psh, what a player."

Stephen looked at him with  a fake offended expression. "Excuse me? I'm not shy about calling a lady beautiful. Unlike you."

I bit my lip, trying to hide back my smile. Stephen looked so cute. His face just match his mischievous personality. And yes, not shy to tell it but he was quite a looker, as expected.

I looked over to Hosuh, still leaning in the couch. I was observing his feautures, his jaw, his eyes, his law eyelashes, his nose... he was adorable. Okay was that the right term to use?

I notice that he was actually staring at me too, and when our eyes met, I gave him a smile. He immediately looked away.

"Is it alright Hosuh?"

"H-huh?" He covered his face with his hands, but his ears were still showing his redness.

"That Y/n can stay at you're house for the night. Stephen said he's too tired to take Y/n home."

"I did not-" He cursed, and glared at Daniel. He rubbed his shin and slumped back to his seat.

"I'm planning to sleep at Hosuhs. My house is pretty far." He then looked at me.

"Is it okay for you Y/n?"

All eyes were on me. I gulped, chuckling sheepishly before turning to Hosuh. "I mean, If it's okay with Hosuh?"

He cleared his throat, taking his hands off his face. He wasn't red anymore. Just a little pink.


"I can't sleep just yet though." I added, before anyone else could cheer.

We then looked each other, before Daniel cracked up a smile.

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