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We parted from hug. I whipped her tears. She was staring at the floor. When I whipped her tears she moved her eye on me.
"Let's go?" - me
She nodded her head.
While we were passing her class, she said,
"Wait! My bag!" - she enters her class and came back with her bag and phone.
Then we started to walk toward her apartment.

"I've many notifications!" - y/n

{ Your view }

You opened the notifications. There was Yoongi's 2 messages. You read it,

"Yoongi! Can I say something!" - you
"Mm sure!"
"You've been nice to me lately!"
"Is that so?"
"Why??" - you
"Mm! It's because....it's because I bullied you!
"Tha-that is the reason??" - you
"Yes! Now look at your right side!" - yoongi
You turned your right. It was your apartment.
"Oh! we reached here!" - you
"Now go inside" - yoongi
"Ok!" You paused and continued,
"Yoongi! Thank you for everything!"
He smiled to you. You felt like he have 2 wings and crown at his head.

He is an angel!

"What are you staring at? Now go inside!" - Yoongi
You ran inside your apartment.

You knocked your door. Jina opened it,
"Hey! Where were you??" - Jina
You got inside the room and explained her everything,
"I think we should quit this school!" - Jina
"Yes! But yoongi told me not to go and he also said that he will be there for me always!" - you
"Wow! Really!"
You smiled shyly and said,
"Why is your cheeks so red?"
"It's red??"
"Dude! I think I really love him!"
"Yoongi! He was really rude! But he is really sweet now!"
She hugged you excitedly.

{ yoongi's view }

I laid to sleep. Only y/n was coming on my mind. I couldn't sleep.

We hugged each other! Omg! This is unbelievable!

I decided to go for a walk. While I was passing dinning hall, I saw Hoseok sitting on the couch with soju on his hand.

"Drinking at this late hour?" - me
He got startled. He said,
"Aigoooooo! You startled me!"
I giggled and said,
I sat opposite to him. He handed me the bottle.
"I don't want!" - me
He took it back and drank a sip.
"What are you thinking?" - Me
"Actually! I'm really confused with something!"
"What is it Hoseok?"
"Hey! Call me Jhope!" - he was little drunken.
"Whatever! Now say the matter!"
"2 boys once loved 1 girl. That one girl loved 2nd boy. Now that same 2 boys love 1 another girl. Whom does that girl love??"

That's true! Whom does y/n love? Do she love Jung Kook??

"I think you should stop drinking."
I took bottle from his hand and took him to the bed. I lied him there and went back to my room.

This is really driving me crazy!
But if she doesn't love me, then she won't hug me! That's true!

I smiled myself when that "hugging" moment flashed on my mind.

{ Your view }

You headed to your school. Jina went first. While you were walking, you saw Oh Ara standing on the stairs with her friends.
"Look who's coming??? How did she got out from the restroom?" - Oh Ara

So that was really you.

You pretended like you didn't heard that and started to climb the stairs. She pulled you from back by using your backpack and made you face her.

"How dare you??"
You pulled her hand and said,
"What's your problem?? Why are you doing this?? If you want me to quit this school! That won't happen! Ever!"
"Are you trying to threaten me??huh?"

She took your backpack and scattered everything on the floor. She stumped on one of the book and kicked it. Then she started to kick everything. She even kicked your backpack. You rolled your eye and turned to pick the stuffs. She pushed you from back, you felled on the ground and she said,
"You won't win against me ever!"
She walked off.

I'll win!

You didn't have the dare to tell her that on her face. So you said that on your mind. Suddenly Yoongi came to you and helped you to stand.

"Did she do that again??" - Yoongi
You smiled.
You turned to take your things. But you saw Jung Kook grabbing things from the ground and keeping it on your bag.
He handed you the bag.

"Thank you both of you!" - you went to your class.

{ Jung kook's view }

Yoongi walked angrily toward the class. I followed him. He enter the class and said to other students,
"Except Oh Ara! Everyone go outside!"
Everyone walked outside. Nam Joon, Jin, Tae and Hoseok got really surprised. They didn't go outside. So I went to them.

"Should we go??" - Jin
"No!" - Yoongi
"What did you do to y/n yesterday?" - Yoongi

She didn't say anything. Not even a word.

"I asked, *shout* WHAT DID YOU DO TO Y/N YESTERDAY?"
She got really scared.
"I-I-I didn't do anything!"
"Guys!" - he turned toward us and said,
"You know what she did to her! Oh Ara locked y/n on restroom yesterday! Y/n stayed on rest room for 5 hours! She stayed on that dark! Finally I rescued her!"
"What??????" - Everyone in chorus.
Oh Ara stared at the floor with panic.

What the hell is this??? Why did she do that?

I got really angry. I went to her and lifted her face up. I asked,
"Is that true?"
She didn't respond anything,
"Is that TRUE??" - I shouted.
"Yes!" - Oh Ara by staring at the floor. I slapped on her face. Everyone got really shocked by my action.
"If you ever try to touch her! I won't let you go! I'll make you suffer more than you did to y/n! Got it!"
She started to cry. While I was moving she grabbed my hand from back. I turned toward her and pulled out my hand.

"You are the reason for everything! YOU ARE THE REASON WHY I BULLIED HER!"
I faked a annoyed laugh and asked,
"What the hell are you talking about??"
"How could you do this to me?" - Oh Ara
"Say it clearly!" - me

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