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After hearing that he didn't utter a word.
"Yoongi?" - You shook him.
"Can you pinch me?" - Yoongi
"Huh?" -you
"I just want to check whether I'm dreaming or not!" - Yoongi
You smiled and hugged him.

{ Yoongi's view }

Suddenly she smiled and hugged me. I was surprised and happy at the same time. I smiled to myself and hugged her back.
"I really love you Y/n!"

After 1 Min we parted from hug. I kept my palm on her face and moved closer to her face.

{ Your view }

Suddenly he came closer to your face.

God! Not now!

You pushed him slowly and said,
"Yoongi! See you tomorrow from school! Bye!" - you waved your hand and ran inside your apartment.

{ Yoongi' view }

Is this move too early?

I went back to my apartment.


I lied on the bed. But I couldn't sleep.

I'm dating! I'm dating y/n! Wow!

I smiled really hardly.

This is the most happiest moment of my life!

{ Your view }

Whenever you close your eye, Yoongi's smile was coming to your mind.

God! I'm dating such a handsome man! I must be really lucky!

You covered your face with your palm.

- Morning-

You waked up and did your morning routine. You applied light makeup and went straight to your class.

- Class -

"So students! Today you will have new work to do!" - Mrs Lee paused and continued,
"Today! You will have to help your seniors for their final project. You should work as their assistant!"

Your eye got widen. But for some reason you were happy.

Suddenly all the seniors enters your class. You looked for everyone. Everyone was there. But you couldn't see Yoongi. You searched with your eye a lot and finally you caught him with your eye. You both smiled at each other. You started to blush.

"So! You can select your assistant by yourself!" - Mrs. Lee

Yoongi rushed and came toward you.

"Mrs. Lee! I found my assistant!" - Yoongi
Mrs. Lee smiled at him.

Everyone found their assistant. Mrs. Lee said,
"Now! Start your work!"
Everyone got outside the class because the work is to be done from outside.

You and Yoongi started to walk.
"Actually! What is your work?" - You
"To take some survey!"
"Survey? Whose?"
"Survey of restaurant owners. 5 small restaurant and 5 big restaurant!"
"What is the use of this?"
He smiled and answered,
"You won't understand!"
"Mmm!" - you with small confusion.

Suddenly he hold your hand. You started to blush.
"Did someone ordered for a tomato?" - Yoongi
"They can pluck from your cheeks!" - he bursted to laugh.
"Yaaaaaaaaaaaa" - You
You removed his hand and walked faster.
"Y/n! Hey! I'm sorry! I was just kidding!"
You turned to him with angry face and smiled to him slowly.
"I was just acting!"
You both bursted to laugh.
He hold your hand and walked toward parking area.
"Why are we here?" - You
"We should take Survey!" - Yoongi
"We should go to street area to take Survey of small restaurants!" - Yoongi
"Oh! That's right!"

- Time skip -

You both finished taking Survey of all 5 small restaurants. It was already night. So guys stopped working.

"Now! Let's go?" - you
"Before going...let's eat something! I'm hungry!"

You both ate your dinner and got inside the car. You felt like Yoongi staring at you. But you didn't look at him. He move closer to you. You closed your eye. Suddenly you heard him opening glove box. You opened your eye. He took 2  energy sip up and offered one to you.

"You must be really tired. Drink this!"
You faked a smile and took energy sip up from his hand.

- Time skip -

You reached your apartment.

"Y/n! Be ready at 9! I'll pick you from here!" - Yoongi
"Ok sure!"

- Morning -

You started to wait for Yoongi at sharp 9:00. Time passed. But he didn't come. You checked the time. It was 9:30.

Where the hell did he go?

Suddenly you heard a car horn. It was Yoongi. He stopped his car in front of you. You got inside.

"Y/n! I'm really sorry!"
"It's ok!"
"We all slept at late night! So I couldn't wake-" - you cut off his word and said,
"It's alright Yoongi!" - You smiled.
He smiled back brightly and said,
"Let's go?"


You finished taking 4 Survey.
You guys went to your final restaurant.

Wow! Such a lovely restaurant.

He went to manager and took Survey.

"Finally!" - yoongi
"Cong-" - suddenly someone cut off your word by calling Yoongi's name.
It was a girl. Yoongi looked at her and said with surprise,
"Oh Yeon Su!"
She ran to him and said,
"What a pleasant surprise!" - Yeon su
She hugged him.

What the hell?

You got really jealous.
"Why are you here?" -Yoongi with surprise.
"What do you mean why I'm here! This is my dad's!" - Yeon su
"Why are you here??"- Yeon su
"For my studies!"
"You won't understand if I say!"
"Oh!" She paused and continued,
"Had your dinner?"
"No!" - Yoongi
"Let's have it together!" - Yeon Su
Suddenly she looked at you and asked,
"By the way who's this?"
"Ah...This is my friend, y/n!" - Yoongi

What? Friend?

"Oh! Nice to meet you" - Yeon Su
"And y/n! This is my kindergarten friend, Yeon su!" - Yoongi
"Hey!" - you
You both shakes your hand.

You guys walked toward seat and sat there.
"So what do you wanna eat?" - Yeon Su
"Anything!" - Yoongi
Yeon Su started to laugh.
"You are still the same!" - Yeon su
She went to him and kissed his cheeks.
Your eye got widen. You coughed. You started to get awkward atmosphere. After that you didn't look at Yoongi.
While you were moving your eye you saw Jimin, Nam Joon and Jina going out from restaurant.

"Just a Min!" - you said to Yeon Su and ran to them.
"Jinaaa..." - she turned toward you.
"Hey y/n! Why are you here? For Yoongi's  survey?" - you
"Yes! What about you?"
"Nam Joon's Survey!" - Jina
"Ok then! See you later!" - Jina
"Hey don't go!" - you
"Why?" -Nam Joon
"Take me along with you guys!"
"Huh?" - Jimin
"Actually! Yoongi is with his childhood friend! I want him to enjoy with her. If I'm there, they can't enjoy!" -  you
"Which childhood friend?" - Nam Joon
"Yeon Su!" - you
"What? Yeon su is here!" - Nam Joon
As Jimin was smaller than them, he don't know her.
"Guys! You go home! I'll come along with Yoongi!" - Nam Joon
"Ok bye!" - you, Jina and Jimin in chorus.


- Apartment-

How could he do that in front of me??

You threw a pillow out from bed and lied down angrily.

ANNOYER ✔️/ Min YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now