Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 ~ Alex's POV

Michael's lips moved against mine after we got into our room. We had been affectionate in small ways. We got to hug and kiss of course, but we never got time alone lately.

My back was against the door while Michael's hands were pressed against the door beside my head. My hands were wrapped around his waist, pulling him impossibly closer to me.

Michael moved his hands to my waist and played with the belt loops on my jeans. His hands inched forward as he reached for the button.

"Michael," I said pulling away from our kissing session.

"Alex," he said, resting his forehead against mine.

I grabbed his hands and placed them on my waist, away from the path into my pants.

Michael sighed and moved away from me. "Alex, we've been together for a year now. Don't you love me?"

"Of course I do, that's not even a question."

"Then how come you push me away every time I try to do more than kiss?"

I shrugged. "I'm just not ready."

"I want to make love to you. Show you how much I actually love you. When will I be able to do that?"

"Soon." I whispered, pecking his lips again.

* * *

I walked around the arena the boys were performing in next. It was bigger than any we had been in yet. I'd only ever seen it on tv. It was the O2 Arena.

"What a coincidence seeing you here," a voice said from behind me. I turned around to see Danny from Weightless standing in front of me.

"Hey," I said, glad there was a familiar face around here.

"What are you doing here all by yourself?"

I shrugged. "It's nice to look around. This place is so big."

He nodded. "Are you going sight seeing?"

I frowned, shaking my head. "I don't think so. The boys won't have time for that, they're always practicing."

Danny laughed, "That's probably why they're better than us." he said. "But seriously, you should be a tourist with me for a day."

I thought for a second before nodding. "Sure, why not." I said with a small laugh.

"Great, shall we get going then?" he asked. He was such an awkward guy. It almost made me laugh. He reminded me quite a bit of Michael.

Danny's phone started to ring as we made our way towards the exit. "It's Paul." he said, before answering it.

"Tell him I said hi," I said quietly.

"Hey Paul, Alex says hi." he said, smiling at me. "Paul said hi back." he said to me.

I continued walking with Danny, listening to his conversation with Paul. You could tell they were best friends, just by Danny's side of the conversation.

"Shut up Paul, you're just jealous of me." Danny said with a laugh. "I'll meet you there, bye."

"What is he jealous of?" I asked curiously.

"My sexy curls," Danny said, flaunting his hair.

"I'm sure he is." I said with a laugh, causing Danny to laugh too.

"This is the car they gave us to look around," Danny said, walking to a black monte carlo. He walked up to the passenger door and opened it for me.

"Thanks," I said as I sat down and he walked to the other side.

* * *

Michael's POV

"Mikey, what's wrong?" Calum asked as I paced around.

"The concert starts in a half hour and Alex is no where to be found." I said, both upset and worried. What if she got lost? Or what if she didn't want to do this anymore so she left. That's been a fear of mine ever since we started this thing, that Alex might get tired of this because it's not her dream, it's mine.

"She'll show up, so don't worry." Calum assured me. "She's never missed a show. She's been with us since day one."

"I know, but I haven't seen her all day." I said, sighing and sitting down next to Calum on the couch in our dressing room.

Payton walked in, and I hopefully looked up at her, but she came in alone. "Have you seen Alex?"

Payton shook her head. "Why?"

"She's been gone all day, I thought she'd be with you." I said, feeling even more hopeless.

"Well, you know she'll show up." Payton said, "She loves you. Like she's crazy in love with you."

"But what if she's not?"

"Michael, stop. If you don't know she's in love with you then you must be blind." Calum said. "She'll turn up, don't worry. This means just as much to her as it does to us. Try calling her."

"I have been." I said, feeling frustrated.

"I can try," Payton said, pulling out her phone. She pressed it to her ear once she found her contact. "It's going to voicemail."

"Great, I'm nervous enough because we're at this huge arena, the O2 Arena, and my girlfriend is missing." I said, running my hands through my hair.

"She'll show up, okay? Don't panic. You're gonna do great tonight, and she'll show up. Everything's gonna be fine." Payton assured me.

"Yeah, we're gonna win this thing!" Luke said walking in with Ashton. "We've got about 25 minutes til it starts."

"Where's Alex?" Ashton asked.

"That's what I'm wondering." I said. "I should go look for her."

"You can't," Luke said, stepping in front of her. "I get that you care about her a lot, but if you're not back on time we'll get disqualified. We didn't come all this way for nothing."

"Luke's right," Calum said, "and c'mon Michael you know her better than any of us. We shouldn't have to tell you that's she's coming, you know she'll show up."

* * *

Alex's POV

"Good luck tonight," I said to Danny as he hugged me.

"Thanks, tell your boyfriend and his band I said good luck to them." he replied. I smiled as he went backstage. I tried to follow, but a security guard put his arm out.

"You'll need to show me your pass." he said.

"Okay," I replied, reaching into my pocket for my pass. I checked all of my pockets, only finding my phone and hotel key. My phone was no use since it died while I was out with Danny. "I must have left it in my hotel room. I'm with 5 Seconds Of Summer."

"Sorry, if you don't have a pass you can't get backstage." he said and I sighed, deciding to just go sit down in the crowd.


How do you think Michael's going to react to Alex not showing up. He really really cares about her.

The photo on the side is of Danny Edge (left) and Paul Zimmer (right), that's who Danny and Paul are in the story. They're on YouTube and they're freaking gorgeous!!! <3

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btw I got a shirt that says "I would date u but ur not michael clifford" its perfect

-Amanda Styles [10/4/14]

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