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GBFF- my dad announced something today

Vampire- what's up Kev?

Juliet- Kev?

GBFF has added joseKat to the group chat

JoseKat- hey guys

SP- you alright Jose?

JoseKat- Kevin's dad and my mom announced they were...

Arch- having a baby?

GBFF- arch, no!

Juliet- haha

Romeo- getting married?

Ronnie- that's hilarious, it's so not true! I mean, they haven't even divorced their husband/wife yet

GBFF- ...

JoseKat- ....

Juliet- Ronnie, it's kinda right. Kev told me yesterday, Jose and Kev invited me over last night

Vampire- what?

Romeo- that's why you said you couldn't stay over at mine last night

Arch- is this a confession jug?

Romeo- no

Ronnie- talking of fathers...

Juliet- what happened V?

Ronnie- my parents are splitting up

Arch- Ronnie, I'm sorry

Ronnie- it's okay, I'm fine

Arch- my dad's gone

Romeo- is he-

Arch- god no! He just went on a trip and my mom's coming to look after me

Romeo- good, my dad's the new sheriff

SP- sick

Vampire- cool

JoseKat- that's good...?

Romeo- sorry Kevin

GBFF- it's fine, my dad loves being a boxing trainer

Juliet- that's better than my dad.

Romeo- what happened betts?

Juliet- oh nothing, he's just a serial killer

Ronnie- what

Arch- the

SP- bloody

Vampire- frickin'

GBFF- heck

JoseKat- !!!!!

Topaz- ...

Bombshell- mines dead but, well done Betty. You've got the award for the worst dad

Romeo- mean he's the black hood?

Arch- that.... sucks?

Juliet- I'm fine, honestly. He almost killed me and my mom but I'm alive

Romeo- I'm coming over

Juliet- thanks Juggie, love you ❤️

Romeo- love you too betts ❤️

JoseKat- ewww

SP- they're expressing feelings everyone has, it's perfectly normal Jose

Topaz- wow SP. didn't know you could be so...philosophical

Bombshell- that's the word

SP- wow, so not offensive!

Vampire- haha. It's true though SP

GBFF- you okay betts? Wanna binge watch glee tomorrow with Cheryl, Toni, Josie, Ron and me?

Juliet- yeah. Gotta go, Juggie is here


Bombshell- Kevin is currently expressing all the feelings we have in our hearts at the moment. I don't think I can hold it in........BUGHEAD IS SO CUUUTE!

Topaz- she's finally cracked

GBFF- Cheryl come round and we can squeal about Bughead being the best ship everrrr!!

SP- I'm coming!

Vampire- same!

Ronnie- yesss!

Arch- I'm coming too!!

JoseKat- count me in!!

Topaz- sammmeeeee!!!!!

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