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Jughead's POV
I was on my way from the Whyte Wyrm back to my trailer and I heard a meow. A distressed meow. I looked around and knelt down, I saw a thin cat, a beautiful tabby. I held out my hand and it walked over to me. I picked it up gently and walked back to my trailer. I set the cat down on my sofa, it sat down slowly and purred. I went to find some meat, I found some chicken and gave it to the cat.

Over the next two days, the cat became my spirit animal of sorts. It never left my side. So I brought it to the vets to adopt it. "It's a male, do you want to get a chip?" The vet asked. I nodded, the cat mewed. Hours later, I had gotten the cat a food and water bowl and a basket, I named him Burtie Forsyth Jones because why the hell not?

"Jug?" Drat. I hadn't told anyone about Burt, my dad was away with the serpents so I had the trailer to myself. "Hey betts!" I called, stoking Burt.
"Is that a cat?" She asked. I nodded.
"He's my dear roommate," I said. She giggled. "Aww, I used to have a cat," she sat down next to me and patted Burt's head. He purred loudly. "Really? I didn't know that," I cocked my head in confusion.
"But then she ran away, I always loved caramel," she smiled sadly. Burtie purred and jumped onto Betty's lap, she giggled again and stroked his back. I put an arm around her and pulled her onto me, she was half sitting on my lap with Burt in her arms.

A/N: I'm still alive! Don't worry. Sorry it's short, but I had no other ideas for it. I just love cats and had to write a story with bughead having a cat. Does anyone have any ideas for bughead oneshots or Choni, Kangs, swosie or varchie? Help me please!!!

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