Push me!

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Part 3 of don't cross her again. Hope you like!

Betty's POV
"You sure you're fine Betty?" Jug asks. I nod.
"Okay.. want something to eat?" Kev asks.
"Toni, push me!" I command. T rolls her eyes but does so.

Three months later

I was running after Sweets. "SWEET PEA GET BACK HERE!" I shout.
"Nope!" He shouts back. I jump and tackle him to the ground. "Give it back!" I knew his back.
"Ow Betty boop! That actually hurts," he whines.
"Good," I grin.

Kevin's POV
Betty tackled pea to the floor. Jughead was with fangs, Jose and Cheryl to pick up some bike parts, and the rest of the serpents were out somewhere, and F.P. was on a shift at Pop's, so it was me, T, pea and Betty. The door opened. "Jug?" Pea wheezed.
"Take another guess sweetie,"
B stood up and ran towards me. I put an arm around her. T and pea came over too. We drew our knives.



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It was Veronica, Archie, Reggie and chuck

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It was Veronica, Archie, Reggie and chuck. Veronica took her own knife out.

 Veronica took her own knife out

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B looked terrified. "How did you know it was just going to be us four?" Pea asked.
"Oh.. we were spying on the bar," Reggie said.
"You stalking me now?" Betty frowned.
"Mm... sorta," Veronica replies.
"Get outta here before we murder you," T growls.
They shrug. "Nah, you're coming with us," Reggie, chuck and Archie pulled out guns. We looked at each other and put our knives down. Veronica takes Toni and shoves her knife to her throat. Archie puts his gun to Betty's head and pulls out a set of handcuffs. Chuck does the same to me and Reggie does it to Pea. "Gag them," Veronica says, handcuffing Toni and shoving a cloth in her mouth. They do so then take our phones and smash them.

Cheryl's POV
Me, jug, fangs and Jose went to Pop's to pick up some food for our other halves (fangs protested when we used those words but he blushed. He soooo likes Kev) and to pick up F.P.
"Hey, can you wait five minutes till my shift has ended?" F.P. asks.
"Yeah. I'll text the others," I say and pull out my phone.

Me- we'll be fifteen mins. See you all. Love you TT ❤️

Toni, Kev, betts and sweets have deleted the chat.

Me- TT? B? Kev? Pea?

I put my phone in my pocket. "They deleted the chat," I say.
"Weird. We'll ask them later," Jose frowns.
"What if it's serious? Like Veronica found them?" Fangs asks.
"Yeah, me and fangs will ride ahead. In case it's serious," Jug says.
"Ok boy, see you later," F.P. waves.

Toni's POV
They shoved us in a dark van. They took our gags off but blindfolded us and tied our legs together. "B? Kev? Sweets? You okay?" I asked.
"Yeah," sweets answered.
"B?" Kev questions. We here a little deep breath. She was asleep. "Let's get some rest then, we'll be fine... I hope," I said shakily.
"Right," the boys said. After around ten minutes I hear the soft quiet snores from kev and the deep loud snores from sweets, then I started to drift off too....

Josie's POV
Jug- they're not here.. their phones are smashed and their knives are on the bar.

Fangs- we're in deep shit

Jose- sweets!! B!! T!! Kev!!!

Cher- god. We're coming with F.P. soon. Hang tight. We'll find our other halves if it's the last thing we do.

Fangs- kevinnnnm!! Sweets! B! T! Nooo!

Shit. Sweets.. we'll get you back, B, T, Kev. We promise.

Sweet pea's POV
God. We were tied up in a.. basement? I think it was a basement. Archie, Reggie and chuck sometimes come in with moose and take the girls and Kev. I don't know what for. But Veronica tries to rape me. I hope the bulldogs aren't doing that to Betty Boop, Toni or Kev. I'm supposed to be protecting them. Jug told me to before he and the others left yesterday.
"Hey, sweets," Betty sighed. They stripped us, Betty was in jughead's shirt and her underwear because she decided to wear jug's shirt the day we were kidnapped, me and Kev had our boxers and vests on while Toni had her underwear so Kev gave her his vest. We were all hungry. They hadn't given us anything to eat. "I'm dying," Betty boop said. "What? Why?" Toni asked immediately.
"I.. I starve myself sometimes.. when I get bullied at school," she said hesitantly.
"You get bullied?" I growl.
"Umm.. yeah.. sorry for not telling you guys," I think she blushed.
"You starve yourself?" Kevin interrupted.
"Y..yeah," she muttered.
"Betty, Oh Betty! Why do you do that B?" Veronica came down.
"It's none of your business bitch," T hissed.
Veronica slapped her then turned the lights on. We all looked at each other, we were all covered with blood.

A/N: hehe. Cliffhanger!! Should I do a part 4 or leave it on cliffhanger?

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