Fragile- Part 8

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"Jackie Jackie Jackie! over here" Madison yelled.

God her voice is so squeaky.

"Common guys lets sit with Madison" Jack asked us.

"No thanks Jack I'd rather sit alone" I said to him.

"Wow Lexi your so rude."

"Mhm, good to know. Thanks Jack" I smiled at him.

Now that kinda stung.

"Lexi I didn't mean-"

"Jack save it" and I ran out of the restaurant.

Shawms P.O.V

"Way to go Jack" I say to him.

"Yeah Jack she seems tough but I think you made her fragile" Taylor said in a mad tone.

Lexi fit in with us and that's what we loved about her. But Jack clearly messed it up.

So we all left in search of Lexi.

There is so much drama.

We all got back to the hotel and we knock on Lexi's hotel door. No answer.

We knock on it again. No answer.

We start freaking out and we searched everywhere around the hotel, near the pool, on every floor and we can't find her.

Lexi's P.O.V

* when she left the coffee shop *

God I'm so sick of everything that happened. I thought Jack actually liked me. My stupid mind. Boys have never liked me before.

I get back to my hotel room I throw on a sports bra, and lulu lemon shorts and put my hair in a ponytail. I grab my bike, my gear and I leave to the track.

I probably should get in some practice since worlds is in 3 weeks.

I get to the track and see another girl practicing. Mm I wonder if I am racing her.

I put on all my gear grab my bike and head to the gate.

I see her also at the gate. I decided to make a new friend.

"Hey!" I say to her.

"Hey" she said back.

"Want to race?" I ask her.

"Sure" she says with a little chuckle.

So the gate drops and we are off and we go over the first straight and then a table top and I manual the double, and she ET's the triple. Damn she is good.

We get to the end and she beats me by 3 seconds.

"Wow you are good!!" I say in awe.

"Thanks, your amazing too" she smiles at me.

"I'm Lexi" I tell her shaking her hand.

"Isabella" she smiles at me.

"Are you racing worlds?" I ask her.

"Yeah I am in females 16" she tells me.

"Oh I'm racing females 17" I tell her.

"Want to hangout?" I ask her.

"Sure" she replies.

We do a few more laps. And stop to get a drink and learn more about each other.

Turns out she's been bmxing since she was 6. She has long blonde hair, green eyes, and she's from Tennessee.

Jack J's P.O.V

We still can't find Lexi and we are all worried. While Jack is texting Madison. I hate that.

"GUYS THE TRACK!!" Nash yells at us.

Right how come we didn't think of that. We all run to the track because it's not very far. And we run in....

We see Lexi sitting there talking to a beautiful girl. We all run and tackle Lexi into a group hug.

"Lexi we were all freaking out that we couldn't find you" I tell her.

"Thanks guys but I'm fine" she said with a chuckle.

Who is that girl... she is beautiful...


Hey guys sorry for the delay.❤️ thank you so much for reading. 😘 can you guys comment some names that I could use in my story?? Thank you so much😊 I will update tonight again if I get 3 new names for characters 🐯

Fragile (Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now