Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Second day…

“Yah Hae-young ah!!!” Jang-hoon yelled the moment he returned from PE to the class. He sweated a lot and was panting.

“What?” Hae-young asked, while taking a towel from his small cabinet at the back of the class.

“Sung-ji and Tae-suk got bashed by SIS’s Lee Sang-min yesterday. Man, I saw them just now and they looked almost deformed.” Jang-hoon said rather sadly.

I wonder if Jang-hoon fights too. I guarantee Hae-young does. I’ve heard so much about his fighting and stuff even if this was my second day. I was told by Eun-ji Hae-young ever broke a guy’s rib during a fight. Oh my God, that’s scary… >_<


Hae-young was silent, but he looked like he was in deep thoughts.

“What are you gonna do?” Jang-hoon asked while rubbing his face with his towel.

“I don’t know. I don’t even know them. Leave it as long as he didn’t hurt our guys.”

“Hae-young cares for his friends. The broken rib guy I told you about actually bashed Jang-hoon and that’s what happened.” someone whispered softly. I jumped and turned around. Behind me was Kim Eun-ji. I was too busy eavesdropping and didn’t notice her coming in.

I was getting even more afraid of Hae-young after hearing those stories about his fighting and all. I’ve never talked to him after yesterday’s incident. I was afraid to but most importantly I didn’t want to. What if I say the wrong thing and he punched me?! Ohhhh~ my pretty face would be deformed. >_<

-Lunch time-

“Yummy~” Jang-hoon said and grabbed the fried shrimp Eun-ji was holding with her chopsticks and popped it into his mouth. I saw Hae-young behind him.

“Yah!!! Park Jang-hoon!!! >o< ” Eun-ji shrieked and started slapping Jang-hoon’s back with her other hand.

“What do you have, Hye-kyung?” Jang-hoon ignored Eun-ji’s hand and looked at my lunch box.

“Whoa~ bimbap!!!” he said in fascination.

Jang-hoon’s weird. It’s like as if his first time seeing bimbap… –.–;;

Hae-young settled himself in front of us and lit up a cigarette.


He smokes in school ground?! Is he mad???

“What?” he asked when he saw me looking at him.

“You smoke?” I asked.

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