Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


Saturday night… that’s tomorrow!!! –o–  Why ask me out so suddenly Hae-young?! WHY!!!

That was the only thing I thought of just before going to sleep… 

Next day at quarter to eight in the evening…

I was fascinated by the tall tower standing in front of me. It lights up brightly in the darkness of the sky.

“Wow…” I mumbled. 

There were lots of people there, most of them are couples. Damn, I didn’t know if Hae-young could think of a place like this to ask me out. I should havta think about him again. -_-


One hour passed… and yet there was no sign of him. I decided to wait a lil longer but after an hour and half later, I gave up. 


Stomping down the steps, I cursed him under my breath. 

He’s such an ass! Asking me out and yet didn’t come himself! If I see his stupid face, I’m gonna pound him!!! 

I was waiting for my bus when suddenly…

“Oppa, I don’t wanna go home! Let’s go to Noraebang!” a girl’s voice came behind me. 

“Tck! Yah, go home! I have to do something important! And let my hand go, will you?!” a guy snapped irritably.

“No! If you want me to go home, send me home then, okay?” 

I turned my head and saw Hae-young and a girl…

“Oh Hae-young you b4stard!!! >o< ” I yelled out loudly. I felt so angry because I was played.

Hae-young looked at me surprisingly. <_< Of course he’s surprised cause I spotted him somewhere else with another girl when he should be meeting me just now!

“Hye-kyung ah…” he said guiltily. 


That’s his first time calling my first name… But still, hearing it wouldn’t subdue my anger! :angry:

I turned and walked away. He has lots of dates to go to everyday, hasn’t he?? He seriously don’t need ME to be in his list right?!?! 

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