Chapter 16 - 26

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Chapter 16

Day 29…

Yesterday my effort to make it up with Hae-young was in total vain. He hates me… TT.TT

“Eun-ji ah… What should I do?” I asked and nudged at her.

“I don’t know Hye-kyung… but you shouldn’t have brought in Chae-won.” she replied slowly.


“I know I shouldn’t have, but it just slipped! He’ll hate me forever, won’t he?”


“… Maybe… Aiiishh! I dunno…”



Hae-young, I’m sorry… I’m so sorry… TT^TT


I was about to walk out of the classroom when I heard screams and yelling from outside the class.

“You b1tch!!! I’m gonna kill you!!!”


That was Hae-young… He was on the ground punching this guy from class 3-3.

“Tell me that again and I’ll make sure you’re dead, d-ckhead!!! Don’t try to tell me what’s right or wrong!!!”


He continued yelling. I’ve never heard him shout as loud as this. He was in foul mood. Maybe because of me. TT_TT

Jang-hoon tried to separate them with Ho-jun, Sung-soo, Sang-chul and Myun-gyu, but Hae-young only let the poor guy go when the discipline master was called.


Along with Hae-young, the guy from 3-3 was pulled to the office.


Jang-hoon, Eun-ji and I waited for him outside. After half hour, Hae-young finally came out.


“What did he do to you?” Eun-ji asked.

“That b1tch [referring to the DM] brought me to the principal. Like as if I’m scared of him. -_- ” Hae-young said. His mood seemed to get better a little bit.

“What’s this?” Jang-hoon asked and took an envelope from Hae-young’s hand.


“Ohh, that thing… Letter for my parents. I got suspended.” he said.



You got SUSPENDED???” Eun-ji and Jang-hoon asked at the same time.


I was just as shocked as them.


“Yeah. Don’t worry, they’ll only go as far as suspension. They can’t afford to kick me out of this school. -_- ”


“Hahhh… <_<


Of course they won’t. Your parents donated quite a lot of money for the school’s charity. No school will want to lose anyone who does that.” Eun-ji snorted.

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