Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


Kang Sung-hee brought me to the toilet when there was a change of lesson in second period.

“So I didn’t get the wrong info right?! You know Sang-min!!! >o< ” Sung-hee yelled.

“I didn’t know Lee Sang-min is him.” I tried not to yell back at her. 

“What do you mean you didn’t know?! You acted you didn’t know, didn’t you??” 


“Nam Hye-kyung, stay away from him because he’s my boyfriend and I’m the one he loves!”   

<_< Did your messenger told you Sang-min loves me too? I wonder who that messenger is… I’m gonna scratch her face!!! 


Kang Sung-hee slammed the door shut. I was left at the pity of the juniors who were there. 

“Unni, I envy you! ^o^ I saw you with Sang-min oppa in the bus today, but I’m happy with Hae-young oppa.” one girl said. She had huge eyes and her features looked like a doll. 

Are you Sung-hee’s messenger?!?! If you are, prepare to die!!! And don’t envy me!!!

Then I remembered this girl. She was all over Hae-young one day at school. 

“Hey… are you Hae-young’s girlfriend?” I asked.

“ ^_^ Yup!”  


The door slammed again, this time Eun-ji came. 

“Hye-kyung ah! What did Sung-hee do to you?” she started screaming at me. 

I shook my head miserably and tears formed in my eyes. 

“Aigoo… don’t cry Hye-kyung! Sung-hee’s not worth for you to cry for!” Eun-ji patted my shoulder. 

I’m crying because of Hae-young and Sang-min! So my tears worth it?! TT^TT

“Hye-kyung ah, you came to school with Sang-min???” Jang-hoon asked loudly the moment I entered the class. 

Hae-young must have told him pretty late because he just came back after lunch time. I wondered what made seon-saeng-nim held him so long. 

“Hye-kyung ah, is that true?” Jang-hoon continued asking. 

Instead of answering Jang-hoon, I turned and glared at Hae-young.

“Oh Hae-young, do you have to tell everyone?” I asked angrily. 

“It’s hot news, don’t you know? -_- ” 

<_< I don’t know what’s so hot between you, Sang-min and I. 

-Back at home-

“Hye-kyung ah, Ryang-hee called you just now.” Mom said to me. 

“Really??” I asked surprisingly.

“You bet. ^_^ ”

I sped to my room and dialed Ryang-hee’s number. 

She answered almost immediately.

“Ryang-hee ah!!! It’s me, it’s me!!! ^o^ ”

“Hye-kyung ah!!! ^o^ Yah, yah Yang-soon ah, it’s Hye-kyung!!!” I heard her calling Yang-soon. Soon I heard Yang-soon shouting my name at the back. 

TT^TT I really miss them!  

“How are you doing?” Ryang-hee asked. 

“Not so good.”

“Why?! Your classmates bully you?!” 

“Sort of. Ryang-hee ah!!! I miss you!!!”

“Me too!!! Yah Yang-soon ah, I haven’t finish!!!”

Yang-soon was now on the line. 

“Yah Hye-kyung ah, are the guys in your class handsome???”   

I instantly pictured Oh Hae-young in my mind. >_< Ughh… why am I thinking of him?! He’s ugly, like a baboon!!! 

“Yes, some are.” I replied, still picturing Hae-young in my head.

“Introduce me to one!!! Please!!!” 

“Chae Yang-soon, what about Jong-won oppa???”

“It’s okay!!!” 

“You crazy?! <_< ” 

“Yah Yang-soon ah, gimme back my phone!!!” I heard Ryang-hee shouting at the back. 

“Hye-kyung ah, don’t listen to her. Introduce 1 guy to me!! I have no boyfriend!! >o< “ Ryang-hee pleaded. 

So we spent the next 20 minutes or so talking on the phone, constantly switching between Ryang-hee and Yang-soon. Oh man, I really miss Daegu~ TT_TT

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