Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


A week later…

My friendship with Hae-young remained the same – in fact I grew to hate him a lot. Jang-hoon, as always, was nice to me. Eun-ji too. Sung-hee only talked to me when necessary. 

I know more about Lee Sang-min now. He’s SHS’s [our school] greatest enemy… He’s at Seoul International School [SIS]… He and Sung-hee are couples but why is she flirting with Hae-young when she already has a boyfriend?! I wonder how this Lee Sang-min looks like. I bet he must be a pretty boy… ^o^ Omo, what am I thinking?! >.< 

Right now Eun-ji and I were with Hae-young and Jang-hoon, drinking at a pub. Honestly, this was my first time.

I can’t believe Eun-ji actually drinks! I never thought she could. Hae-young and Jang-hoon drink theirs like as if those are just water. –_–;; I never touched mine. I only watched people dancing on the dance floor. Some danced like they were possessed.

Uh, I think I need the toilet. I stood up and quickly made my way out of the crowd.

“Where are you going?” I heard Eun-ji screaming behind.

“Toilet! I can’t stand it anymore!” I shouted back and clumsily ran to the toilet. “Excuse me!” I yelled at the guy who was blocking the toilet passage. Since the music was loud, he couldn’t hear me. I tapped on his shoulder just on time he snapped shut his phone. 


Motorcycle boy!!! He dressed like as if he was going to a party. He must be a rich kid. He recognized me immediately. 


“Hey, what are you doing here?“ he shouted. 

“What??? I can’t hear you!!!” I yelled. 

“What are you doing here?” he shouted again, this time he leaned slightly closer.

“I’m accompanying friends. What are you doing here?” 

“With my friends too. ^__^ “

“Do you want to…” 

I stopped when a hand grabbed me. 

Oh Hae-young’s face appeared in front of me. He looked… M.A.D. He glared at me and then at motorcycle boy. I noticed motorcycle boy’s face turned stiff too. 

After a few moments of glaring, motorcycle boy finally bid goodbye – to me. 

I tried to free myself from Hae-young’s grip but then he suddenly pulled me into the unisex restroom and locked it. 

O_O   Oh my God, what’s he gonna do to me?!?! –o–

“Hae-young ah… Talk… talk outside, okay?” 

“Shut up.” 

“… What?”

“I said shut up b1tch!” 

“… –.–;; …” 

“You said you don’t know Lee Sang-min.”

Lee Sang-min again. Why always this problem??? TT_TT 

“I don’t know him, Hae-young.” 

“Don’t use that act anymore. It’s no use!” 

“What are you talking about?”

“You know him don’t you?!” 

“I don’t!!!” 

“Then who’s talking to you just now, huh?” 


I forget to ask his name again. –_–;; 

“That’s just someone I know.” 

“So you admit you know him?!” 

I think Hae-young’s too drunk. Lemme outta here~! TT_TT 

“Hae-young ah, I guess you’re drunk. Let’s just go out, okay?”

“Are you trying to be dumb or are you really dumb???” he shouted and started shaking me violently.  

“Stop shaking me!!!” I screamed. 

He stopped but his hands were still gripping my shoulders very tightly. 

“The one you talked to just now was Lee Sang-min, b1tch!!!” 


“What? Now you act you don’t know again? Yah, what’s your IQ?”

“… Motorcycle boy is Lee Sang-min?” 

“He’s not motorcycle boy, dumb ass! SIS’s Lee Sang-min!”

I couldn’t believe this.

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