Chapter Five: Ciaran

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image of Ruari's mated wolves tattoo (all credit goes to the artist, just borrowed the image because it suited my imagination perfectly) ----->

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I felt Ruari stiffen as we crossed the border.

I mentally cursed knowing making him stay would be harder than I thought. I don't know how to comfort him or what to say to ease his worries. Going back to the pack is not easy for him, I know. There're too many memories for him and they're not very good ones.

Maybe it was a mistake to bring him back right away. I should have taken him somewhere we could be alone first, where we could get to know each other better. Somewhere I could have the chance to earn his trust, for him to get used to what we have and to me. But for now that's not possible. The only thing I could do is to make sure Ruari would be as comfortable as he could be once I take him home. This arrangement might seem too highhanded for him, after all we practically abducted him, but it's not a good time to be away from the pack right now and Ruari would be safer within pack lands.

"Stop the car," he suddenly said and I turned to scowl at him. Keiron was already on high alert, ready to surface if he decides to bolt.

Lorcan told me about how fast Ruari moved when he phased.  He was still in awe as he told me what happened. He said he'd never seen a wolf move like him. It's one of the things we need to talk about once we get home. The pack thought Ruari couldn't phase. Damn, we all thought he didn't have a wolf at all! Not that it matters to me. Wolf or no wolf I want him. I'm just glad he won't be as helpless as I first feared. I just hope he'd be willing to talk to me.

Right now Ruari's very skittish and don't trust anyone, especially me. I don't blame him. We all have to earn his trust and maybe in time we'll prove ourselves worthy of having him back. But if he thinks I'd let him run away again, he has another thing coming.

"I won't run," he said his mismatched eyes meeting mine. "I just want to see something."

I was still apprehensive but I trust him. I have to or we'd never get over what happened between us. I told Bran to pull over and followed Ruari as he stepped out of the car and entered the forest.

"Alpha what do you want us to do?" Bran asked through the pack link. I felt him and the others move behind me.

"Keep your distance," I answered. "I don't want anyone spooking Ruari."

They followed at a decent enough distance and kept out of sight like I told them to.

Ruari walked forward slowly, his eyes bright as he takes in everything around him. I knew right away this forest is special to him. And he missed being here. My heart lightened at the knowledge that something could probably entice him to stay, that not everything in this land carries a bad memory for him.

We walked aimlessly for about an hour and I'm starting to get curious as to where he was heading. There's nothing on this part of the forest aside from trees, boulders and bushes, and the occasional clearing.

I cursed when he suddenly took off on a run.


"Stand your ground!" I hissed as I ran after Ruari. "I got this."

Damn he's fast!

Lorcan was right. Even I haven't seen a werewolf move like Ruari. Even on his human form he could easily outrun us if he really wanted to. He's quick and light on his feet. He's running at full speed through the forest but I hardly hear his footfalls. Aside from the occasional rustling of leaves, he didn't make much noise as he hurried past in between trees and bushes. If I haven't known his scent from memory he would have left me in the dust. I wouldn't be able to follow him at the pace he was going.

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