f o u r: waiting

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Hey everyone!

I'm sorry this chapter is so short and late but I promise they will start to get longer soon!

Enjoy this chapter and the song above because my friends and I worked really hard to come up with a bunch of ideas this week (adore you luvs)

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!



The boy's locker room was empty, barren except for puddles of water from quick showers after practice, the creaking of hastily closed locker doors, and well, Louis. He sat on a bench, gripping his phone in his hand tightly as his eyes found the Instagram feed on the screen before him.

A picture of Clementine and Oliver on the latter's page, wrapped in a tight embrace, his arms around her waist and chin on her shoulder, joyous smiles on both of their faces as they were likely caught in a moment of laughter.

"Best Homecoming Ever" The caption read, making the infatuated boy's heart crack, sending pain shooting through his nerves.

He wanted so badly to be happy for them, they were his friends after all. And even though this picture was days old at this point, he couldn't fathom a logical reason that he was still staring at it.

Except for the one he had recently come to accept;

He had a very clearly unrequited crush on Clementine.

His tutor session with her was in a mere 10 minutes, and he began getting fed up with himself, shutting his phone off with a huff as he stood.

"I have to be done," Louis muttered to himself as he shoved clothes in his bag. "She's with him, not me, it'll never be me-"

"Louis?" A voice questioned, echoing in the barren room and startling the mentioned boy. Clem emerged from the shadows, hand entangled with Oliver's beside her.

"Oh, hey guys! You're early." Louis greeted, tone sarcastic.

"You alright?" Oliver asked.

"I'm just fucking peachy, Oliver." He slammed his locker door, making his friends stagger back slightly. "Let's just get this bullshit over with." The teen pushed past Clementine, not making eye contact with her as he did so. He heard her mumble a goodbye to her redhead boyfriend and kiss him briefly, making Louis wince unintentionally, before following him.

"What is with you?" She questioned, trying to keep up with him as he briskly made his way to the parking lot.

"Nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing." He responded, shoving open the door to the outside, making Clem scoff.

"I hate when you act like this," She hissed which made Louis halt and turn around to finally face her.

"Act like what?" He spat. "Because I think I'm acting pretty damn normal."

"Being a dick for no reason isn't normal."

"Then fuck off if you don't like it." He started walking to his car again, ignoring Clem as she crossed her arms in exasperation

"So that's it? You're gonna throw away everything I could help you with because you wanna be a piece of shit right now?"

"You don't need me." Clem sarcastically chuckled at this statement. "And I don't need you, either."

"Fine! Tell yourself that when you get kicked off the baseball team AND you don't graduate." And with that, Clem rotated on her heel, stomping away with a huff, leaving Louis in silence.

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