Boys: Crush Story ^o^

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His name is Mike. I call him Mickey.

We both started high school this year. We've known each other for two weeks (we're both music majors), but we never really talked at all until two days ago, when a bunch of us grade nines went to a camp for three days. He's incredibly sweet and nice (lol, so far). He's a klutz and adorable at it.

He's the sort of person you want to hug. He's so cuddly and cute...which is how and why I actually fell asleep on his shoulder on the two and a half hour ride home.

People awww'd, people gigged, people poked, and people took pictures = my life is over.

Because I suck at reading boys, and I'm probably difficult to read as well, I need fucking advice. I'm going to list some things he's done/let me do, and please, please, please, comment.


- lent me his gloves cause I was cold

- gave me goodnight hugs

- walked me to my cabin (the girl's cabins were on one side of the camp, the boys' on the other).

- tried to get me to dance (one of the nights, they had a dance...I don't dance). A lot.

- sat with me and my friends at most meals. The tables fill up fast... :P

- let me sleep on his shoulder

- wouldn't wake me even after I'd numbed his arm and he needed to go to the washroom... (we took coach buses, they have teensy washrooms).

- Threatened to throw people's phones and cameras our the window on my

- Still gave me a goodbye hug, even after I made a wuss of him by falling asleep on his shoulder...


I feel like he does like me...but then I feel like he might not, and I'm just overconfident, or in the moment and feeling too much, etc.



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