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  • Dedicated to Frolo, for being an Evil dick

You guys may have received a notif about me posting in the idea book "Quasimodo"...well, my bad. Wrong book. -___- this is it. Sorry.

i just watched Disney's "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," on YouTube, and I loved/hated it. I mean, it certainly carries a bunch of lovely morals, teaching little kids whatnot, but the ending is, I think, awful. I mean, in every movie, the guy who gets the girl is always the main character and exceedingly handsome. Now here comes Quasi, who's only the main character, not quite as handsome as the ex-captain. Of course, the girl goes after the handsome dude instead.


For those who haven't seen the movie, I'll try to give you the story...but I tend to stretch things out...bear with me.

Let me introduce you to Frolo. Frolo hates a lot of people, mainly street people; thieves, gypsies, fortune tellers, palm readers, beggars, the likes. So when he gets wind of a young gypsy girl and her husband running away, he goes to chase them down. He kills the girl "accidentally" when tossing her down the stone steps of a cathedral. He then discovers her newborn child. When he takes his first look at him, he sees a deformed monster, and is about to drown the baby in a well, when the Father comes out of the cathedral, talking about how Frolo spilt innocent blood on the steps of the house of God, and that, to make up for it, he has to adopt the baby. Scared, Frolo agrees to keep the boy locked away in a belltower, alive.

Twenty years go by, and the boy, Quasimodo, is talking with his stone friends, the gargoyles of the cathedral, about the Festival of Fools (I think that's the name...). His friends convince him to go to the festival, against Frolo's orders to never leave the tower. He arrives in time to be pulled onto a stage by the gypsy Esmeralda, to be crowned as the King of Fools, for having the ugliest face, because the Festival of Fools is topsy-turvy, the day where everything is screwed beyond recognition. Upside down, inside out, etc.

Obviously, him being crowned draws attention. Frolo's soldiers begin to torture him, but then Esmeralda steps in and helps Quasi. Frolo orders her capture. Quasi helps Esmeralda out, but while she's running, she meets the captain of Frolo's soldiers, Phoebus, who does not agree to Frolo's way of dealing with things.

Quasi and Phoebus both fall for the beautiful Esmeralda. When she is eventually captured, she is actually being burnt at the stake, when Quasi comes swinging in and rescues her. He kills Frolo, and guess what?

The fucking Captain gets Esmeralda.

I loved the movie, hated the ending.


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