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Wattpad originally rated this R. Probably because I used the word inc*st. I haven't done it, no one I know has. But that rating should send you a message.

Moving on.

Boy problems.

:O :O :O

Not what you're thinking, lol. It's summer vacay, not boy hunting time for me. Weird, huh?

Brother problems. If any of you have brothers, you will have problems with them, inevitably. Vice versa for my guy fans, if you read this.


Because no one here has any idea what my name, age, etc, are (I swear I'm not a creepy old man), I will take my life problems out of my brain and dump them right here. My third grade used to say that when he asked us to write journal entries. It's disgusting, but what I'll do here...and I'm rambling...

Feel free to click out right now. Especially if you are cheerful.

I have a few siblings, one of them is the major problem. The others are too f*cked up already for me to care. They'll be ranted on later...probably not in this chapter. Maybe. Maybe not...


My big big problem...let's call him Bob. A few years back, he skipped school for weeks at a time for no good reason. Yes, I dragged him out of bed, slapped him, attempted to pour ice water on him (mom screamed at me), my dad carried him out the front door in the middle of winter and left him on the open porch in his pjs when he refused to get changed. He completed all his schoolwork weeks late, did all his tests, passed that grade, and switched schools. he's a f*cking super lazy genius who somehow stays skinny as a stick bug despite stuffing himself with chips all night.


I haven't gone to the same school as him in a while. As far as I know, he's chatted with a few girls, but he's shy and reserved. I assume he has crushes, but I can't dig any deeper. His grades from exams were sky high, but he never studies. I swear, I have never seen him with a proper book in his hands in years. The last book was Robinson Crusoe, for a individual novel study, and he told me that he read the first page, the summary at the back, and did the project, passing with a 70.

Sh*t. WHY was I not born with his brains?

Anyway, this summer, he's been staying up (stuffing himself and programming) all night, sleeping all day, getting up for a midnight snack, and repeat. He literally hasn't gone outside in two weeks.

I stay up all night, but I do go to three meals at regular times and take a walk. My sleeping schedule is screwed, but I do function through the day regularly, take a ten minute nap if I feel tired, and DO stuff.

Once, I slept at 6am. I went through the day without sleep, then went through the night without sleep (I listened to soft music for two hours in bed before I seriously felt like I really had to get up), told my mom I got up early, and made breakfast. Bob was at another brother's computer. He said he had about an hour of sleep, then got back up to the computer.

I went through the day. He went to bed at nine, slept through the day. I walked around, went on wattpad, etc. Then, at 3am the next morning, I finally felt the urge to sleep. I haven't slept earlier than 2am in over a year. I know I'm a teenager, but that can't be normal or healthy...

So if that's unhealthy, how're Bob's forty winks at night and hibernation during the day any good? I'm serious about this hibernation thing. The only person he talks to willingly is me. Which is incredibly stupid of him, because I should not be the person you come to with problems. Or if you have problems. My heart likes people with problems. My brain screams F*CK NO.


Ergo, I get attached and bipolar around you because I have no fucking idea what I want.


Wait, no, NOT SORRY, your fault for drawing close to me o.o

Anyway, does anyone know what I can do to get him out of the hole he's dug himself? You guys out there, have any idea what's going on 'twixt the ears? He's older than me, but i feel like the big sister and I don't like it here.

Another problem. Go away right now if you're touchy about weird relationshios.

My dad seems to think we're about to commit inc*st.

Ah crap.

Bob doesn't talk to anyone but me willingly. He told mom to shut up once when dad was away on a trip. We all have this inner terror of our dads when they're angry...

So, yeah. Inc*st. He has a better relationship with my other brother's computer than with me. He's sworn at me on several occasions. We went through this phase where my oldest brother heard "son of a bitch."

Naturally, it caught on with all of us. I was eleven at the time. We called each other sonofab*tch all the time. Really ironic statement, we realized later on, considering we're siblings. Mom heard us saying it and got mad and threw us out of the house for a few hours...

But if I say "morning" to him now, my dad's by my side with a weird look on his face.

Sick, sick, sick.

That's all I have say about this.

I think most of you fanned because you thought "gosh, she's weird, cool, *fans*" but if you could check out The Idea Book, I would appreciate it if you left feedback. Constructive criticism FTW. That's the place where i actually attempt writing.



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