This is a Rant.

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Peed off at some wattpad authors.

The authors who say they've finally got the right story and idea and they're oh-so-serious about it, and I start reading and I'm like...fuck. This. Shit.

It's supposed to be an emotionally heavy scene. Their mother or father or someone died, and they should be either a sobbing wreck or in stunned silence, not calling their closest pal to have a heart-to-heart. I know I can't do this sort of stuff, so I shove everything in an idea bin, I don't get everyone all excited over something that's totally flat.

Isn't it upsetting when you've been in for a few chapters, and they're introducing everything to you, and someone happens to die or be tragically injured, and they continue on with their lives? Or, say, cry for a minute, then go hang out with a buddy? No quiet, alone time? No sitting beside the hospital bed, holding that person's hand and crying?

If I can tell when my stuff sucks, other people should, too. Seriously, fuck.

That's why I like stories like, "I'm Not a Jersey Kind of Guy," or "She's Bad News," or "One of the Boys." These authors know when to make their MC's keep their cool, storm off, cry, completely break down, or punch something until their knuckles bleed. Everything fits.

I know people get better through practice and criticism, but it feels like they're not even trying. They slap a story down on the screen and don't think that, "hmmm, this person is human. MAYBE SHE SHOULD CRY WHEN HER MOTHER COMMITS SUICIDE."

That's where the story, "She's Bad News," really gets me. The story is about a girl, Corinna, who loved and trusted her mother so much, she followed her into parties and alcohol and drugs and pimps at a young age. She was practically thrown out of her home with her mother at fourteen. Everyone seemed to think her mother was bringing her to rehab. No. Her mother found a pimp to stay with. Corinna's abused by the guy and his friends, forcing her to do things to herself to prove that she's worth being kept alive. She's neglected by her mother, and as soon as her mother goes to prison for drug possession and whatnot, Corinna goes back to her father. Her mother gets out with the pimp's help and comes to Corinna, wanting her daughter, the only thing she can possibly be proud of, back. Corinna refuses and her mother goes into a drunken rage. Once, in front of Corinna and the special guy(there's one in every story...), and once in front of her and her family.

But even after all that shit, Corinna still inadvertently admits that she loves her mother.

That's how any daughter would naturally be.

Partially why I love this story so much.

So, fellow authors, write with fucking emotion.


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