Chapter Three- New We

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"No way!?" Josh exclaims from across the table and I just shrug.

"Oh, she is a bitch" He frowns and looks at me then we both burst into laughter.

"You don't even know the half of it" I chuckle. I was about to grab another piece of my fries when I suddenly heard someone shout my name.

"Charlene!" Oh shit...

I look behind me but before I even got to see who it was, my hair gets tugged from behind me.

Suddenly I'm pulled off my chair and onto the ground where my hair gets tugged at harder.

"AH!" Ouch! It hurts! I feel as if my hair is getting torn off.

"You fat bitch!" Stephanie growls and I try to pry her hands off my head but she won't let go. Ugh! Where's Anna when you need her?!

"I am going to kill you!"

"Ah! Stop it!"

"You have no idea on what you've done" She pulls at my hair harder and claws my face.

I scream

Ouch that stings!

"I am so going to enjoy this!" She laughs cynically and for the first time, I'm scared of her.

Really scared.

I thrash around, hoping that she'll let me go but she just pulls at me harder and claws at my face again

This one's definitely going to leave a mark.

"Ugh! Stop!" She still won't stop.

"Stop it" In a moment Stephanie's hands weren't in my hair anymore and I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist, carrying me off the ground.

The tingly feeling hit me hard.

Joshua steadied me on my feet and wiped something away from my face with his thumbs.

I didn't realize I was crying.

He smiled symphathetically at me and narrowed his eyes at someone behind me.

"Don't mess with my girlfriend"

Say what?!

"Girlfriend?" Me and Stephanie ask at the same time.


"Joshua?" I ask as we both walk towards the school parking lot. The day was... tiring and I'm really glad that it's over.

He glances at me and frowns

"Call me Josh"

"Josh?" He smiles and raises one brow at me.

"Thanks for uh uhm... saving me from Stephanie awhile ago"

"It's no problem, is that all you're gonna ask me?" he smirks. OH shit he knows!

I told you he's crazy!

Oh shut up subconciousness!

I blush and try to find the words in my head.

"Yeah... about the girlfriend thing though..." I trail off.

"What about it?" He looks really serious.

"We're not actually going to go through with it are we?" I finally let it out.

"Oh" His eyebrows knit together and he looks shocked and rather dissappointed.

The Hell?


Finally he smiles again taking by surprise.

Oh Fuck! I knew he was crazy!

Shit! I knew I shoud've listened to you!

My eyes widen as he grabs me by the hand.

"Oh yes we are"

Author's Note

Sorry it's so short but hey, whatya' gon do bout it ? haha XD

ANyway keep on reading piggies!


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