Chapter Ten- Explanations

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"Ms. Mendez, you my dear had an anxiety attack earlier which mostly caused your fainting " Dr. Garcia says while checcking my papers.

"So why the heart monitor?" I croak. Wow my voice sounds real bad.

"Oh when you arrived at the hospital you've been passed out for more than is usually normal so better safe than sorry we put you on monitor" She explains.

"So she doesn't have anything serious does she? " Joshua asks from beside.


"Thank God" We all sigh in contentment.

"So am I good to go?" I really don't like hospitals.

"Sadly no, you are very dehydrated Ms. Mendez and very low on a lot vital nutrients. I'm guessing that you haven't been eating properly and very stressed. I suggest you get a lot of rest and maybe we could release you after three days"

"THREE DAYS!" Me, Ana and Joshua exclaim. Suddenly my heart monitor picks up and I feel my breathing get heavier again.

"Easy, easy" Dr.  Garcia says while approaching me.

"You musn't strees yourself Ms. Mendez"

"Can't you release me earlier" I can't stay here for three days! I'll lose my mind and mom and dad will be back on Saturday.

"I'm sorry Ms. Mendez but unless you relax, I'm going to have to confine you for longer" I groan and slump back on my hospital bed.



Dr. Garcia left awhile ago and now I'm left with Ana and Joshua.

I glare at both of them but especially at Joshua making him squirm in discomfort.

"Ana could you give us a moment please? "

"Uhm... Charlene I-" I shoot her a don't-you-even-dare glare

"Yeah I think I'm done for the night, I called  ate Odette and she's on her way here so bye sweetheart" She says so fast I almost didn't catch her words and she's out of the door.

Now back to the matter at hand.

"You idiot!" I shout at him.

What is wrong with this guy!?

"Why did you have to show up and ruin everything!?" I continue.

How the hell did I get stuck in this silly predicament?

"You are so fucking messed up" I mutter and I see him wince at the curse word.

I cross my arms and raise my brow at him.

"If you don't give me a damn well explanation for everything you'll sure see that little stunt of yours revealed tomorrow on RSN's early morning editions" I growl.

His eyes widen "You wouldn't"

"Why don't you find out Mr. Garbosa?"

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