Chapter Two-A matter of Food

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"Mom?" I ask as I sit on one of the chairs at the dining table.

"Yeah baby?" She gives me some salad and a piece of chicken. I smile at her in silent gratitude and frown at the stuff on my plate.

The food didn't seem so appealing right now...

What? So you wanna eat Joshua?

I flush at my subconciousness.


"What's it like to have a crush?" I use my most innocent tone as I ask her. This is more embarrasing than I thought.

Her eyes widen at my question and she smiles and squeals in obvious delight.


"OH MY GOODNESS! CHARLENE!" she shouts excitedly which caused me to blush even harder. Oh no...

"I must meet this young man! Is he handsome?" She quizzes and I nod. She squeals

"Is he smart?"

"From what I heard from Ana, he's an A grade student and known for being the best basketball player in school " I answer shyly.

Gosh. When Ana gave me the details, the butterflies nearly killed me.

"How did you meet him?" She's obviously happy about this...

Thank Gawd Dad's busy today or else I'd be dead by now.

"We have homeroom together" I stab a piece of lettuce with my fork and shove it into my mouth. Oh I don't wanna talk anymore.

"Oh darling this is great, what's his name?"

"Joshua Garbosa" His name slides off my tongue.smoothly. I like saying his name.

"Garbosa? Oh! Does he have green eyes?"

I nod and she squeals

"I'm friends with his mother, she's a designer a very couture one. Oh I approve honey, they're very well off and plus your inlaws would be very good looking" She winks and I become even more embarrased.

"It's just a crush mom"

Yeah, as if anything's going to happen with the two of you. Look at you, you're so fat

Would you shut up? You're getting really annoying subconciousness

Whatever. It's true.


I am furious, fueling mad and downright determined!

This bitch has gone too far.

I see her talking with one of her skanks and I give out a growl.

Gawd she's ugly.

When I got closer I push her so her back hit the lockers. I narrow my eyes at her.

"What the fuck is your problem!" She shouts. I glare harder at her and bare my teeth.

"I should ask you the same thing bitch. What did I ever do to you!?" I'm not gonna let this thing get pass me, she's been ignored far enough.

I grab the packs of tocino that I found earlier in my locker and I throw them at her. She squeals in disgust as the slime of the pork sticked to her hair. I throw all of the notes posted around my locker at her saying "Young Pork" and stick one of them on her forehead.

I grab my phone and snap a photo of her and it instantly got into social media.

She screams and lunges at me but I'm prepared, I slap her right on the face.

The sound echoes around the hallway and the people watching gasp and whisper.

"Don't you dare do anything to me. I'm dangerous you skank" I say through gritted teeth. I glare at her once more and proceed to my classes.


"Hey" The velvety voice says beside me. I look at his direction and raise a brow. He smirks and sexily narrows his eyes at me.


Internal Swoon...

"Yeah?" I ask rather breathless.

"Funny what you did to Stephanie awhile ago" I frown and blush. Does everyone know?

"She deserved it" I whisper.

Suddenly the bell rings and that's the end of chemistry.

I grab my things and head for the door, it was lunch time.

"Hey uhm.. Charlene right?" A hand grabs my shoulder and the bolt struck me again but this time it was stronger.

"Ah!" I drop my books and mutter a string of curses.

Joshua kneels down infront of me and helps me with my stuff.

"I'm sorry" He frowns handing me my papers.

I just nod and tried to continue on my way until he asked me

"Wanna grab lunch together?"

Wait Stop! What did he say?



Is this really happening?

I think it is.

"Well unless you have someone your gonna have lunch with.." He babbles

"NO!" I shout and he raises one of his brows at me as I fix myself.

"My bestfriend's absent so Lunch?" I hope he doesn't back off from his offer.

He smiles and grabs my hand, making it go all tingly and warm.

Well this is a lot better than the bolt feeling.

♡♡ Author's Note ♡♡

Hey guys! So how'd you think of the story so far?

So for those who don't know what tocino is... It's a sweet pork deli from the Philippines, it's like a Filipino version of ham but in small pieces :P Just look it up on google haha XD

So yeah, if you liked the chapter please comment, vote and keep on reading ♡♡♡


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