the reefer (not marijuana!)

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*reefer: a slang word for refrigerated trailor or marijuana, this definition is of the trailor. The trailor is used for shipping food or stuff that needs to be cold, if you eating a banana, that was shipped in a reefer so the banana is fresh*

The morning arrives. "Hey, keisha." Jorgen said. "Good morning, Jorgen." Keisha replied. The couple gets dressed and goes to eat breakfast. So you know how we are trying different trailors to see which one to fuck in, well I think we should try a reefer today." Jorgen explained. "Marijuana? I dont do drugs, dawg. I'm not smoking weed!" Keisha retorted. "No! Dumbo! A refrigerated trailor, you anus! It gets pretty cold and we could use that for kinky reasons, imma call Tim." Jorgen says. "Ok." Keisha answered. Jorgen picks up the telly and calls Tim. "Tim's fuckin truckin, who ya suckin!" Tim said. "I wanna reefer." Jorgen tells tim. "Sorry, man. I'm not a dope dealer. I lease trailors, not sell weed." Tim replied. "Holy fuck! First my girlfriend thinks I'm talking about kush and now you? Ain't you a trucker? You should know. It's a fuckin refrigerated trailor, cuck!" Jorgen scolds. "Woah! Jorgen, I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you, brotha! Yes imma trucka but my head just went a different route, no pun intended. Yes I have reefer trailors, dawg. Ya want to fuck in one?" Tim asks. "Yes, dont yell in the telly when I say this but you can join in if you want, keisha liked it last time." Jorgen explained. "Yes, big trucka Tim gon be fucking again, mmm yeah!" Tim exclaimed. "Thank god you didn't yell. That's ear rape when you do." Jorgen had a sigh of relief. "Now, these things get pretty fucking cold, man. Just warning ya." Tim warned. "Yeah, make sure it doesn't get to cold then." Jorgen says.

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