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At the hospital, Melinda and Grace were sitting in the hallway outside the special consultant's office, waiting for Brandon to get checked up. He hasn't been able to speak ever since the incident. 

There were different kinds of people in the hallway. Some were crying while some were quickly passing with stretchers. Grace was worried at how quickly the stretchers were passing whereas Melinda was biting her nails, trying to absorb the tragedies that happened. 

Another stretcher passed and Grace caught a glimpse of a face that she was very familiar with. She tapped Melinda's laps, telling her that she just saw a stretcher pass with Felix on it but Melinda was too lost in her thoughts she didn't hear what Grace said. 

Then came the consultant out of his office and let out a big sigh. He told Melinda that they needed to have a talk so she held Grace's hand and made her way to the door. The consultant stopped her and requested that she went in alone. She looked at him in the eye and saw a solemn expression on his face. She then turned to Grace and instructed her to not talk to anyone. Grace nodded and watched Melinda enter the office and the doctor follow her inside. She then set on her way to look for Felix.


Their mother was gagged so she couldn't move or see anything. All she knew was that she was on a chair and that her limbs were tied. She screamed for help but it was in vain. She then heard footsteps coming towards her and then felt like she was being untied. An old man with silver hair wearing a tuxedo was standing in front of her and looked at her with a sad face. The expression on her face changed from worried to disturbed. 

He turned around to leave when she asked him to wait. The old man then stopped on his way and said "I thought I would never see you again." She then squinted her eyes in an angry manner and asked "What happened? How did you...?" The old man put his finger on her lips. He then told her that they would have a talk in detail, but it had to wait. 

A huge muscled man who obviously looked like security personnel entered and whispered into the old man's ear. The old man nodded and turned to the mother and said, "I am about to leave so do as you please for the time being, Petra." "Don't ever call my name again!" she shouted. He raised an eyebrow in confusion, gave her a dirty smirk and left the room. 

The security personnel spoke to her in a pleasant manner, telling her that he was instructed to take her around the ship. "...the ship?! Are you joking?" she asked. He simply shrugged and walked to the exit of the room. She then stood up, her feet numb, and ran to the outside of the room. There it was, the vast blue sky and dolphins swimming in the blue ocean that seemed to have no end. She then turned to see a helicopter taking off from the top of the room. "Where exactly are we?" she asked the security personnel. He shrugged and told her that he was only here to do what he was brought to do. He then gestured to her, showing her the way to her room. 

The hallway was glittering golden. Petra was fascinated at how all this could be found on a ship. As they were walking down the hallway, she noticed the presence of someone following them. She turned around to see a boy, with golden hair and emerald eyes, peeping from a door in the hallway. He quickly hid when he was seen. Petra's jaw dropped as the boy looked exactly like Felix. She ran to the door where the young boy peeped from only to see a library full of attractive books. She looked everywhere but there was no sign of the boy. She then went back to the security personnel and asked him who the boy was. He replied saying that he had no idea what she was talking about.


Felix opened his eyes to see bright light. Other things later came into view. A young lady was sitting next to his bed, waiting for him to wake up. He tried to move but had no energy at all. He instantly went back to deep slumber.


In the consultant's office, Brandon was quiet, unable to talk. When Melinda entered, he opened his mouth as if he was going to say something but when he saw the doctor behind her, he continued to act dumb. 

Melinda was confused but decided to play along. The doctor sat on his chair and told Melinda that she should be patient about what he was going to tell her. Her eyebrows furrowed. He told her that it seemed that the boy may have lost his memory. 

A chill passed through her spine.

She stared at Brandon and waved at him. When he looked at her, she asked him if he remembered her. He just looked at her with a blank expression on his face. 

The doctor continued, saying that there was a high chance that the condition was Amnesia. 

A moment of silence broke out again in the room. 

Melinda then asked if there was any solution. The doctor replied saying there was. He then paused and said that it required a medical insurance statement or they could pay a huge amount of money. 

She got up, picked Brandon up and made her way out of the room. She tried to turn the door knob but it was locked. "I never said you could leave." The doctor said while he held the keys up high. Melinda got suspicious all of a sudden. He stood up, went to where they were while they were moving away from him. He pulled Melinda's hair and put his hand on her mouth. He tried to molest her but felt a heavy kick on his genitals and fell on the floor. 

Brandon then took the keys and nurse came knocking and Brandon opened. When she saw the poor man on the floor with his face reddened, she gasped. She then angrily pressed her heels on his face, telling him that he should be ashamed of himself. Melinda took Brandon and walked out. She looked across the hallway but couldn't see Grace.

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