Unexpected Tragedies

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Growing up in the ghetto area of the country, young Felix knew his way out of almost any trouble. His mother was unemployed because of lack of job opportunities but worked secretly. She didn't tell anyone about the job she did.

He had three other siblings namely Melinda, Brandon and Grace. Felix was about 16 at the time and was the second child of the family. 

Their father was not known to anyone so they were usually abused and made fun of. This broke their mother's heart.

Whenever Felix asked of his father, his mother would reply saying that they would soon meet. He later concluded that his father was an irresponsible person. They were regarded as outcasts in their community as they were illegally born. 

One day when they were having lunch, Felix discussed with the rest of the family that he had enough of the life they were living. He was raising his voice. This made his mother slap him, telling him that she worked an illegal job, satisfying perverts' needs just to get what they could eat. 

There was an uneasy silence in the room. He sat and continued to eat without uttering another word.

The next day, Felix took a taxi to the train station. He had to run away from the taxi driver after reaching the place because he had nothing to pay with. He managed to get away and as he approached a train, it had already started moving. He ran after it and jumped as high as he could. 

There he was on the tracks, closely watching the train go. 

He sat there depressed and after a few minutes, he heard the hoot of a train coming from behind him. He turned around and saw what seemed to be a giant metallic junk speeding towards him. He tried to get away but his foot was stuck in between the rails. He saw the train come towards him in slow motion and snap his leg into two. The whole station was in screams and gasps immediately after that.


Back at home, it was time for dinner. Melinda, Brandon, Grace and their mother were staring at the clock. Brandon then suggested that they should just forget about him and eat. They all turned to him with heavy stares. 

A few minutes passed and their mother worriedly picked her purse and left to search for Felix. She slammed the door behind her then instantly opened it, reminding them to not leave the house empty. 

People were criticizing her as she asked for the whereabouts of Felix. She ran from one shop to another but all in vain. She then walked into a dark alley in hope that she would find Felix there. As she took a few steps into the alley, her instincts were telling her that she was being watched. She pulled her scarf tighter around her and yelled Felix's name only to see a rat move by the wall. She sighed and turned to leave the alley. Just as she was about to take a step out of the alley, she got grabbed from behind her into the darkness.

Melinda, Brandon and Grace began to get frightened as it had been almost two hours since their mother left home. Grace being the youngest, started crying and doubting that something might have happened to Felix and their mother. 

A few minutes passed while Melinda was trying to get Grace to calm down. Brandon went to get something to eat from the nearby stores. 

A heavy bang was heard that seemed to be coming from the streets. Melinda took a look through the window and saw an armed man holding Brandon captive, threatening to kill him. There was a crowd around him that was pleading for the young boy's safety and another shouting justice. Melinda then grabbed Grace by her hand and rushed to the scene. 

While running down the stairs, she heard another bang followed by screams. She paused for a second but then continued on her way down. 

Arriving at the scene, she saw her little brother crying inside a pool of blood that was flowing from the burst head of the man that held Brandon earlier. Melinda was too shocked to even ask of what exactly happened. Before long, the police and ambulances arrived at the scene. They took Melinda, Grace and Brandon to the hospital as there was no one to cater for them and they were too shocked.


So, for those of you that have been following this story, I apologize for not updating in a long time. I had to come back and fix a few things and then hopefully go back to regularly updating the story.

As for new readers, keep following to see what's going to happen.

*Felix had an accident, what's going to happen to him?

*Who abducted Felix's mother and why?

*How was the man that held Brandon killed?

Keep reading so you don't miss out on anything.

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