Hijacked Ambulance

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Drake was sitting in his office, completing a few tasks and then continued with Melinda's case when he was done. Something made him curious about her relatives so he checked the databases again. He checked Petra's after checking Melinda's and noticed that she had a brother that passed away. He couldn't get any more leads so he closed her tab and thought about why he was doing that in the first place.

"Is it because she committed a crime? Or is it because that lady asked me to?" he thought, "I should find her and ask her by myself," he stood up and walked to the door. Amanda was passing when he opened the door. She quickly looked away and walked faster when she saw him.

"Some people are just not appreciative of what we do!" he shouted with the intention of annoying her. She ignored him and opened the door to her office and slammed it shut as she entered. He continued on his way to the car park.


James Curtis met with Mr. Albertson in a special area in the ship.

"I must say I am quite impressed with this ship. Of all the ships I set foot on, I have not seen anything of this caliber. The extra-humungous size, the pure gems in different parts of the ship, the artistic decoration, and luxury. You really went all-out, Mr. Albertson," said James.

"Oh please," Edmond laughed, "I bet you have something that is out of my league," he said.

"Of course not, but a good one is to be expected anytime soon. After father's company is transferred to my name."

They both got serious all of a sudden.

"What brings you here out of the blue?" asked Edmond.

"You should know that when businesspersons meet, it isn't usually for having a fun time."

"Yes, and I do know that they should be straight-forward. That is why I ask of the real reason you are here."

James adjusted his sitting position and took the glass filled with water then took a sip.

"You see, my soon-to-be company and yours are highly competing against each other," he said as he kept the glass "and I'm not quite comfortable with that. Both you and I know that there can never be two ruling kings in one kingdom. One has to step down before the other can rule."

"Is this supposed to be a threat or something?"

"Not at all. I am just suggesting that you could choose to step down and let me lead at the top,"


"Or we could merge and create a bigger and more profitable company."

Edmond stared into James' eyes for a moment and asked him, "What is the third alternative?"

"Simple. We could continue competing," he then looked at his watch then stood up and said, "but be wary, I compete through every. Possible. Way."

He extended his hand to the speechless Edmond and said,

"It was a great pleasure conversing with you, Mr. Albertson" and then left.


Amanda was in her office thinking about what Jacob told her about Melinda. She knew that she foolishly allowed her personal feelings to get the best of her and was angry. She too decided that she should check out if Melinda was fine or not. As she got up and left her office, she accidentally bumped into Officer Derrick, spilling coffee on his uniform.

"I am so sorry!" she said while putting her hand over her mouth.

"It's okay, mistakes happen all the time."

She got a tissue paper and wiped his arm and said, "You should probably change your uniform."

"Yeah I will, but this is funny because I was having a feeling that my coffee wouldn't last long. So... I was going to meet you actually."

"O...kay," she said as if unsure of herself, "let's go back into my office."

"Actually, I was going to Moore's Lake so I thought maybe I should go and check on Melinda. I thought it would be nice to go with a fellow officer, just in case."

"Sure, why not? I was thinking of going there too."

"Okay then, meet me at my car in five. I'm going to change this." He said while pointing at his shirt."

"Okay" Amanda said and left to go to the car park.

Once there, the sirens in the car park went off and a few pursuit cars rushed to the road. She then quickly ran to her car and turned the radio on.

"An ambulance has been hijacked and is currently running on highway number 74. Highway patrollers should be careful. Victims in the ambulance are suspected to be patients that were supposed to be transported to another hospital."

Amanda quickly turned her car on and followed the rest of the pursuit vehicles.

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