Clusters of Doubts

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After a few hours of deep slumber, Felix came back to his senses and saw the beautiful young lady sitting by his side. She was a brunette with her ponytail hanging, beautiful dimples and wore denim. She was in her late twenties or thereabout. A wide comforting smile was on her face when she looked at the young man. He coughed before asking her where he was and who she was. She just told him that he should get some rest and reassured him that everything would be okay. Knocks were heard on the door and a nurse entered with a tray with food and a clipboard. She moved close to the young lady and whispered into her ear. They later nodded in agreement and then the nurse faced Felix asking him how he was feeling. Felix ignored the question and asked her where he was. She turned to the young lady and made eye contact with her. The young lady nodded and then the nurse took a deep breath.

"Young man, can you try and sit upright?" asked the nurse.

He moved slowly and then suddenly stopped, widening his eyes.

"Are you okay? You were brought here following a tragic accident at the train station." She added.

He quickly pulled the blankets off of him and looked firmly at his right leg. Tears began shedding from his face and he raised his head and locked his eyes with the nurse's.


Grace was kindly treated at the police station. All sorts of biscuits and sweets were given to her by the police officer in whose office she was.

"My name is Amanda and I'm a police officer. So tell me, what's your name?"

"Where is Melinda? Two men in police uniform told me that they were going to take me to her."

Amanda tried to comfort her by telling her that Melinda was going to come later. Grace later settled and told the police officer her name. Amanda asked her when she last saw her mother. Grace replied saying that she hasn't seen her mother since the day before. Amanda then asked her what any of parents' name was. She replied saying that her dad died when she was born and that she didn't know what her mother's name was.

"I guess her name is mom. That's what everyone calls her." Said Grace.

Amanda asked her how many siblings she had. Grace just tilted her head and said,

"What are siblings?"

Amanda smiled and told her that siblings were brothers and sisters of a person. Grace then raised three fingers and said,

"Melinda, Felix and Brandon."

"So Melinda is the oldest, right?" asked Amanda.

Grace nodded. Amanda then asked her to describe Melinda. Grace said that Melinda looked like herself, only bigger. Amanda was smiling again and pressed a button on her table. A man with black hair and a grey sweater soon entered and said with an Italian accent,

"Senõrita, at your disposal."

She sighed and told him that she wanted him to check the databases and find a Melinda that looked like Grace, but older. The man changed his expression when he looked at the girl, as if she looked familiar. The man then spoke fluent English and demanded that they have a private discussion with Amanda. They walked to the outside of the office and he said,

"Do you know a businessman that goes by the name of Youngman?"

"What about him?" asked Amanda.

"His blue eyes, golden hair, can't you see the resemblance?" he replied.

"Forget it. It can't be his child. His business makes him so busy he can't get married." Said Amanda.

"I'm just saying that there cannot be zero probability on anything" said the man.

"Drake, we just can't go into that now. We have to find this girl's siblings. She doesn't even know her mother's name!"

Drake shrugged and told her to just never mind whatever he said. Amanda went back into her office, telling Drake to just focus on what was important at the moment. She then asked Grace with who she was at the hospital. Grace told her that Melinda was at the hospital and then entered an office with a doctor and told her to sit and wait for her. Amanda snapped her fingers and told Grace that they were going to go look for her sister. They stood up and went to the car park where they entered a Mustang GT with police colors.


Petra was on her way to meet the old man to have a discussion. She went down the stairs that led to the basement and noticed that the door leading to the inside was locked. She tried listening to what was happening inside but it was sound-proof. She sat on the stairs and placed her head on her laps, waiting for someone to open the door. She then heard footsteps from behind her and raised her head to see who it was. It was the pilot. He had a rather dark complexion and was in a black tuxedo and a red bow tie. The man just passed by without even looking at her. She got annoyed and asked him if he was mute.

"I was instructed to not talk to anyone except the security personnel and Mr. Pascal himself. So if you'll excuse me." Said the pilot.

He knocked on the door and it was opened. He walked in and just as the door was about to get shut, Petra rushed and let herself in. Her eyes widened as she saw the old man and Felix's look-alike having lunch together.

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