Mr. Youngman

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Heartbroken, Melinda went back home with Brandon and was shocked when she saw a notice on the door saying that they were being summoned by the court. She snatched it and slowly opened the door to the flat. It all seemed alright so she pulled Brandon's hand and entered. After settling, she went to the kitchen but was disappointed when she saw that only canned foodstuff was there and cooked a bit of what was left. Brandon was tired so she helped him to the bed and returned to the kitchen. After eating, she kept some for her brother and sat in the living room, wondering about what had happened to the house for the past few days. As the thoughts wouldn't end, she got up and went to check if the mailbox had anything in it. A pile of letters was waiting for her inside, in which there was a special black letter with blue borders. She was so eager to check it, just as anyone would be and opened it right away.

            Hey there Petra. You know that I'm not good at these sorts of things but yes... I did write you a letter. After I don't know how many years, I managed to get a better life and changed my name and eventually opened a company that is currently thriving. I'm now widely known as Youngman. I bet you've heard about me. I've been looking for how to contact you after all these years and with the help of a friend who works in the information section of the police, I found your address.

For now, I'm happy that I've found you and we will surely meet. I don't expect any replies from you, so don't even bother. I guess I'm going to end it here. Send my regards to the kids.

Yours truly,

Nicholas Albertson.

Tears were flowing from her eyes as she read the last part of the letter. The tears were difficult to identify. Even she didn't know if the tears were tears of confusion or relief. She folded the letter and safely kept it on the table, then placed a mug on it.


Bruce was called by Mr. Edmond, so he hurriedly went to meet him. He had no idea why he was being called, so his heart pounded faster the more steps he took. Upon reaching, Edmond stood there in the conference room, admiring the marine organisms through the glass floor when he noticed someone enter.

"I hope you know why I called you here." He said to Bruce. Bruce stood there silently, thinking about the possible reasons he could have been called for. "It's nothing serious. Relax. It's just that we are almost going to reach the port and I'm having a feeling that something is not going well," Edmond sighed and continued, "What about Petra? Is she doing alright? I hope you are taking good care of her."

"Yes, sir. She has just recovered from an illness and is doing great now." Bruce answered.

"That's good," he said and checked his watch, "I have a meeting to attend now. You are free to go."

"Thank you, sir." Bruce said and was leaving the room when he heard Edmond murmuring to himself, "Why am I feeling like this?"


Natasha went to check on David in his 'cell' and immediately got the first-aid and treated some of his minor injuries, then placed some ice, which she luckily brought with the food, on his swollen face.

"Who did this to you?" she asked him while tightly holding his shoulders, "Tell me! Who did this to you?"

David tried to say something but only managed to moan. "Just persevere. I am going to get us out of here." Natasha said and then she heard the voices of people coming towards where they were. She quickly packed up and did away with the food tray. She was frightened, waiting to see someone open the door.

The footsteps became louder and louder until it stopped.

Her heart stopped for a second.

There was no movement, not even a breath, just complete silence.

Still no movement...

The footsteps then continued, which made Natasha release a long sigh of relief.

"I'm going to leave for now but don't worry, I'll be back soon," she said and then left.


Jacob went to the police station to meet Officer Amanda. She was annoyed when she saw him and asked him to leave if he had nothing important to say.

"I only came here to report the disappearance of Melinda." He said as he took a seat. "Oh my goodness! Has she disappeared?" she asked him sarcastically. He just looked at her, amazed at how uninterested she was about the matter.

"What is your problem?" he asked her angrily.

"I don't know! What's YOUR problem? You are not related to these people and yet you keep on mingling in their business. Can't you mind your own business?"

"No I can't!" he shouted, "I don't understand... Why do you... Ugh... Just forget it!"

He got up and left.

She thought of what had just happened for a bit.

"Damn it!" she banged on her desk, "Why do these things keep on happening one after the other?" she sighed and placed her head on the desk.

"Maybe because you didn't handle the situations based on how they were supposed to be handled, but by how your emotions pushed you to handle them."

Amanda raised her head to see who it was. It was Officer Derrick. A tall, wise and muscular man, with a light brown beard.

"I was walking by your office but couldn't help but eavesdrop and heard you talking about Melinda. Was it Melinda Albertson you were talking about?"

"Yes. Anything new about her?" She asked.

"Not really. I was just wondering, do you have any additional information on her?"

"I don't think so. But you should try asking Drake. He can find out for you from the database."

"Yeah, sure. I'll do that."

There was this silence which was filled with thoughts that wanted to be expressed.

"You know, an accusation of an alleged murder was made against her brother."

They was another moment of silence.

"Wow, that's harsh. I mean, that kid that is always with her... I don't think he is capable of doing anything like that."

"Me neither. But that's what we're here for, to find out the hidden truth. They are now waiting to get tried at a court in the next few days. We have to make sure that authentic pieces of evidence are provided to cover her up... If her brother is innocent, that is." He then looked at his watch and said, "I've got to go pick the kids from school. See you later." And left the office, leaving Amanda thinking about the situation the poor kids are in.

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