{Leavin' Lil Ty}

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🌺×Josh's Point Of View×🌺

"Oh, Tyler" I frown staring down at the broken boy, "please stop crying" I beg, my voice shaky as I try to soothe the smaller boy, but he only sobbed harder than I'd ever seen before! the tears just pouring out of his eyes at an unstoppable rate; sliding down his rosey, puffed out cheeks (probably leaving the irritated) as he hid his face in his hands: breaking my heart even more.

I felt terrible! And seeing the younger boy in this state only hurt me more. I already felt bad for keeping this from him; because I felt if I didn't say it out loud...then it wouldn't become a reality, but I guess that was stupid to think and now look at me! My house is all packed up and we're moving to away tomorrow! I love it here so much and I especially love looking after Ty, his little sister (Maddy) and his younger brother (zach): but sadly, this was going to be my last visit and the younger boy just can't wrap how little mind around what's going on- after all: he's only 9...he think's I want to leave him and that I have a choice in if I stay or if I go, and I wish I did. I don't want to leave...

"No! Joshie leave me" he repeats through sobs, his voice disorientated and broken, anyone would think he'd broken something with the way he's screaming. All he sees is his only friend leaving him, and despite my pleas he wouldn't calm down. I looked at him shocked, a single tear now escaping my own eyes but I quickly wiped it away. I take a deep breath and pull the crying boy into my arms, my fingers rubbing up and down his back as he balled his eyes out, his sniffles making me flinch.

"Ty..." I whispered, he looked up at me, his big red eyes watching me carefully, and then something seems to click; his head tilts the side cracking slightly as he pouts. "Joshie..." I hum, frowing letting him know I was listening. "Why you cry?" He fumbles not being able to put a sentence together due to the immense amount of tears he let out.

Tyler was a good kid. He'd been through a lot for someone his age, yet he doesn't let them take over him...not completely at least and he deserves so, sO much. He's the sweetest kid I know and his past hasn't changed that, he's the same ol' Tyler. His so brave, and I love him for that. I don't want to leave because of him...I wanted to help him. I wanted to be the one he'd confide in, someone he could trust- yah know? But now that isn't gonna happen. He was suppose to join my school, I was meant to be his mentor. I was gonna help him out with everything, from the small things like tying his shoes-to-helping with homework-to-emotional support. I'm the only one he seems to pay any attention to: he doesn't trust others and refuses to play with the children at school...which is weird- especially for someone of his age. But like I said: none of this is going to happen because we have to fucking move!

"Because I'll miss you bud" I tell him through my tears, a small smile on my face as I ruffle his short brown hair before shutting off the tv. I should probably get him to bed...his mom would be back soon and I couldn't have her seeing up amd like this. He didn't say anything, just exhaled and took my hand as he lead me up his wooden stairs and into his flowery blue room. "You know what?" he asks, his voice just loud enough for me to hear, so I lean in like he had a secret to share, giggling he leans closer towards my ear "I'll...I'll miss you too joshie" he whispers, his voice cracking a little as he pulled away tears once again threatening to spill. Nope..! Not again.

"Here..." I pause catching the smallers attention once again, his eyes darting to mine curiously. I begin to take off my hat and his eyes instantly grow twice the size in wonder, his chlidish smile making myself smile. I hand it out the small boy who shyly takes it from my hands placing it on top of his head before breaking out in fits of giggles; throwing himself backwards against his bed as he laughs harder. "What's so funny, huh?" I ask in mock anger, I wasn't in on the joke and felt extremely left out. It's no fun being left ouy of a joke! "Your hair is funny!" He giggles innocently, through deep breaths, I could only smile at the smaller as he let his giggles out and when he did I simply added a sarcastic 'oh really', to which he nodded pulling the sheets over himself. I take the hat back to his dismay, before carefully placing it on top of his head hiding his short curls.

I smile at him and give him a final hug "goodnight, and goodbye ty" I whisper into the sad boys ear, he hugged me back tightly, his arms squeezing me tighter than ever before, like he didn't want me to leave...and if he was to let go maybe I'd disappear- and he was right. Because the second he lets go I'm gonna have to bolt before I start crying. I tear away from the smaller boy and pad over to the door knowing his watering eyes still lingered on my body as I turned out his light. Just as I did though something broke withing the boy, he ran over to me sobbing once again, his body wrapped around my legs. I too found myself letting out soft sobs as I crouched down to the younger boy returning his tight hug. I don't think I wanna let go...

It feels so sad for a fifteen year old to be so close to a nine year old...but he's my bestfriend and I wouldn't change him for anyone! I'm so glad my mother forced me into babysitting! She told me I wouldn't regret it and she was kinda right kinda wrong because now I'm leaving it behind now...I'm leaving Ty behind, and I certainly won't be looking after anymore children. Tyler and his siblings can never be replaced: ever.

"Don't let anything get to you" I tell him softly, flipping my long lesbian looking hair out of my face "especially blurry-" I pause. "I know he can be really mean sometimes...but it's all lies! And we dkn't like liars, do we?" He shakes his head, a small smile on his face, as I talked to him with a softer voice, " I know he's bug and scary but he lies, you understand?" He nods a little "You're amazing, Ty guy!" I wipe a few stray tears away. I take a deep breath trying not to cry as K went over my words a little first to ensure they were okay before speaking up once again. "You're gonna go through real tough shi-" I cut myself off chuckling nervously as Tyler gives me a stern look, his hands now resting on his hips sassily. "That's a bad word Joshie!" He slurs, his eyebrows woven together as he looks at me 'disapprovingly'- but I knew he secretly liked it when I cursed. "Sorry" I quickly respond, holding back my laughs. He looked so cute! Little people when they're angry are like the cutest ever! "You're gonna through some real shhhh...shtuff..." I amend, catching myself once again- yeah, I'd suck with kids! "But you're awesome! And you're the sweetest kid I've ever met! So don't let anyone tell you differently" he gives me the cutest smile that told me he understood before thanking me, a big smile that made his eyes crinkle slightly in the corners.

I read to him (upon request) and began to leave his room once again but was only called back by an excited little boy who managed to wriggle out of the little sushi roll that I'd wrapped him in...HOW? that was a tight friggen roll! "I made you something..." he tells me proudly, now catching my attention letting him continue. "It was for your birthday...but you won't be here" he frowns, I nod kneeling down as he stalked over to me, his arms behind his back. "Close your eyes joshie!" He demanded to which I obeyed with a playful eye roll. I feel his fingers push my long, black, samara looking nest out if my eyes before taking my hand and holding it out, only for a two twisted strings to be placed there. "Mk...you can open them", when I did I wanted to cry! I looked down and found a small homemade bracle placed delicately in my palm.

There was two strings wrapped around one another; one black and one red with 'Joshie' spelt out with those weird square lettered beads, but it made me melt nonetheless. I adjusted it to my wrist and let it hang there proudly "I'll never take it off bud" I tell him giving him a final hug. "I have one too..." he smiles lifting his small wrist into my view, I smiled seeing the familiar string around his own wrist only the strings were different; they were blue and black with his own name on it. I was at a loss for words...and to say I didn't cry would be a big, FAT lie- I cried way too much! It's sad how much I'll miss this lil guy..

"Hey, Josh, how was it?" I hear Kelly pipe up from nowhere, I frown not even realising she was back nor that she actually sat RIGHT NEXT TO ME! I'm stupid! I wipe the tears away from my eyes playing with the two strings around my wrist, "horrible...I couldn't get him to stop crying" I admit sadly, she just nods knowingly. "He'll be okay...he'll forget about you even-oh, no, josh! I'm sorry" I wave her off just letting the tears fall. I didn't like the idea of Ty forgetting me...It hurt. I have no one else. "It's fine...I better go!" I smile heading towards the door at a speed I'd never unlocked before. "Well, good luck Josh..." Kelly smiles patting my back. I smile thanking her for everything she's done and leave the Joseph household, tears falling freely as I walked back to my empty home.

"Goodbye Ty..."

I've had this idea for a realll long time! And I've wrote this book out sOO many times with different ships...and I've finally settled down with this. I hope you enjoy this book! ~R ♡

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