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"Josh?" I whisper climbing up in his lap, but there was no response. I pout climbing further up his still body, my legs going either side of his body. "Joshie?" I try again- still nothing. "Daddy wake up" I whine getting gradually louder.

"Baby" Josh hissed quietly, his voice croaky. "Go back to sleep kitty" he purrs, his arms going around my waist to pull me closer to him, to pull me down so I was laying flat against his chest as he readjusted his position letting out little tired grunts.

"But daddy!" I protest trying to sit back up, but he only tugged me harder to his body.

"No, baby, sleep a little longer" he frowns "daddy is tired".

"Mmm" I groan turning myself around in his grip so I face facing the tired boy. His eyes screwed tightly closed with his yellow curls sticking to his sticky forehead. I begin to plant small kisses over his face earning a smile from him. "Pleaseee! Its Christmas and I got you some pretty things!!" I argued pushing my lips against his.

"Fine, fine, fine" he whines "I'm up".

"Yayy!!" I giggled sitting back up across his lower stomach. "Come on!" I laugh slipping off his lap and over to the drawers for some socks and Josh's jacket.

"We'll spend the morning together, go see your friends, and then go to my parents- sound like a plan?" I hum pulling his hood over my head as he comes up behind me.

"Happy Christmas daddy"

"Merry Christmas baby"


"OH MY GOD!" Awsten exclaimed, as Brendon bursts out laughing. "I GOT GEOFF ONE TOO!" He muses tugging up his boyfriends black hoodie that he used to hide the printed shirt.

"I made him one of those flags too" Josh grins "we hung it above our bed".

"Our?" Dallon questions

"Oh-uh- He moved in with me around the start of the holidays" Josh explains happily taking my hand in his.

"That's so cute" Brendon gushes, his arm going around me once again.

"He is isn't he?" Josh hums, it was always his go to when Brenny complimented us. I rolled my eyes shoving him lightly.

"Can I stroke him now?" Awsten questioned Josh glancing down at the golden dog in a Santa's hat...it took a while to get it on, but now that it's on he's just accepted it.

"Go for it"


"Merry Christmas mom!" Josh cheered as he pushed his parents door open, a smile on his face as he tugged at the hoodie I'd brought him that was plastered in my face. I remembered him telling me he really wanted one before but was too scared.

"Awh, Josh, Tyler" the small brunette chuckles pulling us both in for a hug "I like your jumpers boys" she paused "was it planned?".

"Nah, just something we talked about before" Josh explains as I turned in on myself. I like his mom, but I still can't talk to her as easily. It was different the other day..

"Well, I love it- what did you get me, hm?" The oldest of us laughed. Josh rolled his eyes playfully at the lady taking the flowers from behind his back.

"They're so pretty" she responds quietly, her voice filled with love as she glanced down at the bouquet of yellow roses, and sunflowers...a weird mix, but some how together they looked absolutely stunning. "Thank you Joshua" I snickered lightly at the use of his full name.

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