{Teasing is a must after a test}

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"Oh god! I know it's just a mock but I'm so worried" I groan throwing my head back, this revision session isn't helping, it's only making me feel worse because I know that at the end of it there's going to be the exam.

"You'll do amazing Ty!" Awsten soothes throwing his arm around me. "Josh has run through this with you so many times and you got it then so you'll get it now" he smiles lightly, "besides, you're literally with the teacher, no way will you fail this! You've got a real advantage with work because he's trained" he laughs. Awsten was right, he had a point. Me and Josh have gone through this all weekend- random quick fire rounds, and he did help with my schoolwork! And if he couldn't he'd find someone who could...I have a real advantage.

I took his advice, and left it there. Only layed my head on his shoulder while I looked down at the help sheets. I was okay for a while, but the time began to just tick away and I found myself panicking immensely...and then I felt myself regressing.


"I-uh" I stuck my hand in the stair quickly catching Josh's attention and rushed over.

"Everything okay, love?" He asks trying to make sure his voice was hushed and no one around could hear us- but it was hard seen as the whole room was silent. I shook my head ushering his closer trying to hold back a few tears.

"I- feel small"

Those words seemed to slap Josh in the face.

"Uh-" he panics quickly walking down to the front of the hall as I kicked my feet silently. He was back over seconds later escorting me out of the room. "Okay, baby, come on" he smiles leading me over to a smaller room, my test paper in his hand. "I managed to get you out of there...but I can't stay, someone else will be here in a second to help you" he frowns opening my test back up. "You'll do amazing baby, how small are you?"

I thought about it- I wasn't as small as always, but I felt small still. I'm honestly not sure how small I am. "Old enough.." he nods.

"You'll be okay right?"



I'm so glad Josh was able to get me out of that room- I felt so panicky in there; it was torture.

"Feeling better?" Josh asks as I trudge into his classroom, a smile on my face.

"Much better"

"Oh, Tyler! Finally! Help settle this?" Dallon calls, I look over at Josh who nods laughing at the troubled boys.

"Josh won't tell us the answer and I'm so angry, but you're smart" Brendon sasses glaring at Josh.

"I physically can't give you the answer!" Josh defends

"Who's gonna know?" Brendon throws back.

"What did you put for question 4c?" Dallon questions. "I put A, Geoff did D, Aws also Chose D, and Brendon didn't answer but I'm convinced it was A! Please tell me I'm right" he spilled out all at once not seeming to breathe.

" I put C..."

"UGHHH!!!" Dallon groaned out.

"Sorry! But I'm 100% sure it was C" I shrugged sitting next to the boys.

"It was probably C" Brendon nods.

"I can't believe you didn't answer it Bren, we've been through this; even if you don't know you should always ALWAYS guess" Josh muttered rolling his eyes as he joined us. I smile at him instantly resting my head on his shoulder. "It was C" he whispers in my ear making me smile even more. I feel him kiss the top of my head as the others argue amongst themselves.

"I'm over it" Awsten laughs begining to play with Geoff's fringe.

"You're always over everything"

"I'm dun..."

Everyone turns to him, I raise my eyebrows at him about to say something but close my mouth.

"Get it...Because my last name is-nevermind"

"Yeah, we got it" I shrugged, he only glares at me.

"New rule, baby must always laugh at daddy's jokes"

"Even if they suck?" I ask

"Even if they suck" he confirms.

Oh god!!

"Ouch..." Dallon laughs, Brendon pulling a face at Josh.

"If you were funny it wouldn't need to be a rule" I say rolling my eyes, Josh almost seemed offended at my words, but I saw right through his facade.

"Oof!!" Awsten chokes out. Geoff laughing along with his little boy.

"That's a good one" Geoff cackled.

"Why are you being a brat, hm?" Josh whispered into my ear, his grip around my waist tightening. "Does someone need to write some lines?" I shake my head sitting up straight no longer finding the situation funny.

"Oop- he so just got told off" Brendon laughs pushing me slightly, I only glare in his direction.

"No being mean to daddy will certainly going on the list"

"But I was joking!" I argue glaring over at him, but he only shrugged, his fingers running up and down my arm softly.

The rest of the day went by rather quickly, and I was soon under the covers with Josh drifting off to sleep.

I feel like this book has slipped!! And I'm sorry if these last few chapters have sucked! But this book will be coming to an end soon...not sure how long! But soon ~Nico

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