{Shave It Patchy}

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"Oh come onnn!" I whine "it's so patchy!" I complained glaring at him and his stupid beard. I've put up with it for far too long! It hurts when I kiss him and he looks silly, but refuses to shave it! "You look old"

"I thought you were into older guys" he throws at me.

"Maybe so, but you look like my grandpa and my grandpa isn't hot" I shrugged, with an awkward smile.

"Why can't you just accept me for me?" I hold back my laughter shaking my head at him.

"Your...beard just isn't cute Josh" I admit poking at a small bald spot.

(A/N: I personally disagree with Tyler 🤷🏼‍♀️)

"I hate you" he pouts swatting my fingers away, I tried my best to act surprised...to fake hurt like he does, but I just couldn't do it. I couldn't help but smile at the man in front of me- he was adorable and I could never upset him...purposely. However, that being said; the beard just can't stay and I won't rest until he shaves it off.



"No way" I chuckled sticking out my tongue.

"Yes way" he raises his eyebrows sassily folding his arms over his chest...this isn't how it should work. I should be the bratty one.

"I don't think so" I whisper, a smile on my face as I plant a small kiss on his cheeks.

"Damn it" He frowns, his cheeks going a little flushed. I always make him crack.

I only giggled crawling over to sit in the middle of his lap, my eyes glued of him before I gave him a small kiss that he instantly responded to. His arms draped around my waist, pulling me closer as I ran my fingers through the fading yellow in his hair.

"My sweet boy"

"Mmhm" I pause for a moment "now shave it patchy! it feels weird when I kiss you" I grunt making sure to exaggerate my facial expressions, scruntching up my nose a little more than usual.

"Yeahhh, but you don't mind it" he teases "If you don't like the tingle then you can always just stop kissing me" he shrugged not seeming to be phased by that phrase...How could I not kiss him? He has like the softest lips.

"You couldn't go a day without kissing me" I point out, he pushes his bottom lip out, a thoughtful look on his face as he lolled it lazily from side to side. "Shut upp!" I playfully punched him.

"You have a point there baby...can I have another?" I rolled my eyes shaking my head.

"Shave it first"

"You're just mean" I only slowly nodded hopping off of his lap.

"Come find me when you've shaved it off"


This is torture! It took me so long to grow this beard and now it has to go because my boyfriend is fussy. This so isn't fair! I wouldn't mind if he grew one! Actually- on second thought I think I would mind. He'd look weird with one.

Sighing I dragged the smooth razer across the patchy area. This is the fullest my beard has ever been...probably the fullest I'll ever see it as well. Tyler isn't a big fan of facial hair- which isn't a problem! I just like to challenge myself every now and then: see how many more singular beard hair I can sprout; which by the way- isn't many.

I'm fine with losing the beard if it means I get more kisses from Tyler. I knew he wasn't a fan from the moment I announced I was letting it grow. He pouted for a solid hour and ignored me! But then he wanted cuddles and called it quits, but the amount of kisses I receive has decreased since I started growing this little forrest.

Am I sad he doesn't like it? Kinda
Do I mind? Kinda
But do I want kisses? Yes
So it's worth it.
Besides, it's an ugly looking excuse of a beard anyways. I wish I was able to grow a full one! I'd look so cool!

I said my final goodbyes to my facial hair and to say I didn't die a little inside...would be a lie. My face just feels empty now. I've had this beard for a while now...and now it's gone and my face is cold.

"Tyyy!?" I sang out bounding down the steps just a little too excitedly. I found him sprawled out, face first on the floor with his butt sticking up in the air. "What a beautiful sight" I laughed, admiring the small boys body.

"Shut up dun" he giggles sitting back in his heels.

"Can I have that kiss now pleaseee?" I beg getting down on the floor with him.

He looks at me a little confused, a playful glint in his eyes. "No"



I take in a deep breath glaring at the cute boy. "Please?" He shook his head. "I shaved my beard for you!" I exclaim dramatically, but he didn't break.

"And you look so much better" he smiles, his fingers lightly tracing along my jaw line. I glance into his beautiful brown eyes, holding his gaze, and without thinking I had leaned in pushing my lips against his plump, pink lips.

Kissing him made me feel on top of the world. I felt like I could do anything, and my stomach goes all floppy and gooey- it felt like the first time I saw him trip over the baby stone on the ground. I knew I couldn't let the small boy fall- he was too pretty to hurt.

His lips were ridiculously soft, and tasted like strawberries- which isn't surprising; the boy had some sort of addiction with anything strawberry flavored, and even scented. And although he'd deny it; he keeps a draw full of Strawberry flavored lip balms...but you didn't hear that from me.

As Tyler pulled away for some air I tugged him into my lap and just held him. The silence engulfed us and the thoughts came out...not bad thoughts, good thoughts...thoughts about Tyler.

He so sweet- I love everything about the small boy. He's like no one I've ever me. There's just something about having him curled up in my lap that just set my insides a light. There's something in his smile that melts my heart. Tyler is just- well he's Tyler and I wouldn't change a damn thing about my bratty baby. He's just so perfe- no, he's beyond perfect. Words can not describe how much I love him...damn, I think I love this boy. He just makes me feel so floaty. I'd do anything for him- I'd take a bullet for him! Maybe not like...to the chest, because then I can't look after him, but like maybe in the butt. I'd take a bullet in the butt for him!

"Hey, Tyler..." He hums softly "I-" what if he doesn't feel the same? Is this something I should tell him? No...not really. My abrupt pause seemed to worry him, he sits up straight, his fingers combing through my longish hair instantly relaxing me, and then Jim came over and made it ten times better.

All that dog needed to do was sit next to me and I felt happy.

"What's on your mind, Joshie??" He asks, his voice filled with concern.

"It doesn't matter" I quickly dismiss, turning down my feelings...it isn't a good idea and if he doesn't say it back I think I might just die.

"Josh" he says sternly, his eyes locked on mine reading right through me "You can tell me anything baby"

I let out a small huff hanging my head down so it was hidden in his neck before speaking up.

"...I think I love you..."

Oop- so I am no longer UnaestheticEmo...tragic.
Yah girl actually left the house today! Be proud! I brought some platform shoes for school because I can. I also have an unhealthy obsession with Idkh- choke...its an issue ~Nico

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