{Friend Dates}

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"Are we not talking about this?" Josh asked pulling me down into his lap. I shook my head playing with the hem of his shirt.

"It isn't a proper date silly" I giggled- it was obvious Brendon just wanted to try to make it up to me...even if he didn't have to. He was sweet like that, if he did something wrong he'd do anything to make it better.

"I know...but I'll miss you" he admits following it up with a small pout, and this honestly made me feel kinda bad. I push a short kiss to his pouty lips and relax back into his arms, my head resting on his shoulder. "You look really pretty by the way baby" he compliments slipping his fingers under the cropped striped hoodie I wore, his fingertips delicately traveling up and down my back.

"Thanks daddy"

There was a small knock at the door startling us both, but that quickly passed as Brendon pushed the door open.

"I've come to pick up the lovely Tyler Joseph for our date" he declared proudly. His nose turned upwards, a dopey smile on his face as he stared up at my ceiling.

"I promise he'll be back before 12am sir" the boy joked before taking my hand in his and dragging me away.

This is going to be fun.


"Oh beeebooo" I sang nudging the slightly taller boy. He looked really good today, so did Dally. Really smart...in their own way.

The pair wore button ups, Brendon having a tight pair of black cargo shorts on, and dally with a pair of plain black skinny jeans. And of course I wore one of my pretty pink skirts with a white kitten printed button up paired with a pale pink cardigan.


"What's up TyTy??" He asked, his arm going around my shoulders.

"Where we goinnn?" I shot back glancing around at the darkening streets. We'd been walking for a while now and my feet hurt- I don't see why they couldn't just drive us to the place: much more efficient.

"To the movies of course" Brendon exclaimed like I was stupid.

"And then I was gonna buy a couple tubs of ice cream for Tesco because it'll be the only place open" Dallon adds, pointing over to the glowing store that was only a couple minutes from the cinema. "We can go for a walk or something".

We got there...but now we had to chose something to watch- which is harder said than done. Because, you see: Josh wanted to take me to see lion king, but that's the movie they originally planned on, but I couldn't watch it without Josh and so now we're just staring at the movie board.

"The Child's play remake?"

"Oh, you are evil Dally" bren chuckled shaking his head. Brendon never got as small as I did- he was a bigger kid, but that was okay. It just meant that I never really got as small with him, and he really took care of me when I did shrink around him.

"Uhmmm," the tallest pondered.

"Aladdin!" Brendon yelled out, and it wasn't that bad of an idea. So, that's what we decided on...and I got in for free! I did pay for snack though...I refused to let the couple pay for my slushie and my milk buttons.

"Why am I slightly disappointed?" I question as we left the dark room...

It kinda sucked...and I say next to Brendon meaning he made me cuddle with him and Dall...it was an experience and I'm shook that Dallons arm even managed to reach over the both of us...skilled boy.

I do wish Josh had tagged along though, or maybe just showed up at the cinema a couple minutes in because I miss him...I hate being away from that man. It's concerning how much I rely on him. Cuddling with Brendon just isn't the same! There's certain things that Josh does that Bren just doesn't. For example; Josh always runs his fingertips along my arm and bren just squished me as close as he possibly could.

"Yah think?" Dallon voices, agreeing with me, but of course Brendon had to be the odd one out.

"Now, I completely disagree with you two here" the brunette mused dramatically walking ahead of us...I'm pretty sure this is how I lost him in the first place..

"Of course you do princess" Dallon chuckled taking his little by the waist, pulling him closer so he was walking in line with us once again.

"You look like a loner" Brendon teased

"come hereee" Dallon chimes in lifting his right arm in the air. Rolling my eyes I slowed down slightly and allowed Dallon to wrap his long arm around my small body. He really is a giant...

"Crisps, sweets, fruit" Dallon checked aloud, his eyes glued onto the signs that hung from the ceiling. "Baby stuff, toys" he sighed.

"Look! That one" I pointed up at one of the signs- I tried to help...but wasn't very successful, so I just took his hand and pulled him along to the isle.

"Good job- think I'm going blind...and bren..." He pauses glancing at the spaced out boy "bren doesn't care" I chuckled nodding. "Grab whatever you want" He told me, a small kind smile on his face.

I didn't need to be told twice. I happily skipped over to the freezers and poked around a little before finding a tub of vanilla ice cream with brownie bites in it. I know Josh likes ice cream...and I like cake. So, together this is perfect.

"I got small plastic spoons" dallon laughed holding the bag full of spoons in front of me.

"They look too small for your big hands" I pointed out, but he only shrugged not really seeming to care.

"I can get Bren to feed me"

It wasn't long before we cashed out and were walking across the soft sand. It was no longer light out meaning we were all using the flashlights on our phones.

The beach was pretty much empty now with nothing but each other and the crashing waves to keep us all company. The sound was soothing.

"Heres a good spot" Brendon grumbled dropping to his knees in one swift motion- he was clearly tired with achey legs, so nothing was said. I just sat down next to him placing my phone on top of the soft grains.

"I'm scared to sit down properly" I nervously laughed shifting uncomfortably on my knees as I fiddled with the cold container. I had already accepted sand was going to get into my phone...but I refused to let sand go where sand not go.

"I would be as well" was all my supportive friend said before stuffing some ice cream down his throat...it was a sight and the current lighting we had going on didn't help. It gave us all this weird double chin shadow thing and it was hilarious.

We stayed there for a little longer before I got a phone call from Josh, and of course I answered it...and now I'm being walked back home so I can get back to winding Josh up.

"DADDYYY!!" I yelled the second I entered my small apartment, I even made sure to make my voice extra whiny and panicky because I'm like that.

"Baby? What's wrong?" He panics quickly making he way down the stairs and over to the door where I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"Missed you" I tell him sweetly as I ever so slightly etched the freezing container towards his warm neck...will he hate me? Yes.
But will he forgive me in the next coupla seconds? Also yes.
Is it worth it? HECK TO THE YEAH: so worth it.

When the tub made contact with his neck he instantly shyed away from me letting out a small squeak that melted my heart.

"Oh my god! That's so cold" he complains glaring at me.

"It's supposed to be cold" I informed him holding the tub into view. "it's vanilla with  brownie chunks in it"

"Annnnd, it's also my boys bedtime, so, I'll put that in the freezer while you go get ready"

I let out a huff, but did as I was told anyways. I went and brushed my teeth, got changed and threw myself against my bed waiting for Josh to come brush my hair.

"Here, I brought you some milk" Josh grins handing me the small bottle. Thanking him I take the small nozzle in my mouth as Josh slides under the covers next to me as he runs a brush through my hair softly.

"That's it close your eyes baby"

So! I'm changing my username...because I can.
Also...school is coming around again soon and I want to die.
I am not ready for year 11 ): ~Nico

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