{Serious Conversations And Work Visits}

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I awoke alone on my uncomfortable couch, the flimsy pink blanket I'd given josh tucked tightly around my small body, the smell of pancakes wafting throughout my small apartment. Rubbing my eyes I padding into my equally small kitchen finding Josh stood over a pan and nothing but sweats on, and if that doesm't wake me up then I din't know what will.

"Morning, Ty" he greets flipping a miniature pancake in the pan with my spatula- how sweet. "Mornin' " I wimper out out, my voice groggy from sleep as I slip up on the side next to him, my jumper paws rubbing at my tired eyes. "You're a really deep sleeper" Josh muses plating up three small pancakes on two plates, "mm, really??" He hums softly. I tried to slip off of the counter tops while Josh wasn't looking, but he saw and wasn't having it. "Nope, you're too tiny for that, mister" he scolds pushing me back against the wall, "wait here while I get you some juice, do not move, he warms turning his back, but instead of disobeying I nodded and just waited not wanting to annoy him. I wasn't waiting long before he pulled my body towards his so he could pull me down safely.

"No, but being serious; I dropped like, the entire content of your pot cupboard...you didn't even stirr" he muses placing the plate of pancakes and cup of juice before me- no matter how badly I wanted to be small I couldn't...work in a pain. "I am the master pf sleep" I giggle as he pours syrup on my pancakes for me, and sure- I wasn't hungry, but he cooked for me and I wasn't about to turn that down! It isn't often someone cooks for me.

I watched as Josh stared at me, nerves seemed to be wracking his brain, his leg constantly bouncing below, one hand on Jim at all times. I raise my eyebrow at him swallowing my mouthful before speaking up. "You okay Josh? You seem...off" I frown watching him force a smile, I shake my head glaring at him "what's wrong?" He only shakes his head at me, before lowering it letting out small sniffs.


"Awh, Josh- no! Don't cry" I soothe instantly rushing over to him, my arms going around him...I just don't want him to cry anymore. "You're too good to be sad" I whisper in his ear as he finally caves in wrapping his arms around me. "I-I..." I shake my head "not yet, when you're ready. Breathe for me" I mutter desperately before inhaling and exhaling deeply hoping he'd copy me, and he does. It doesn't take long for him to calm down, and soon I got him talking about it. His words were shaky and uneven, but I could make some of them.

"I-Don't hate me" he begs, "and I know it's wrong...and I feel bad" he explains taking a sip of the orange juice in his cup. I waited patiently for him, he looked like he was fighting a war behind his eyes- just thinking of every possible sinario. "It's okay" I reassure him, well aware of work, but that can wait. He takes a deep breath, his eyes lock with the floor, "IReallyReallyLikeYouButYou'reMyStudentAndYou'reSoCute...AndThisIsWeirdI'mSorry" he tumbles out all at once, I got about 57% of what fell from his lips, my cheeks instantly heating up- not from anger, but because of the funny feelings in my tummy. I felt sick...a good sick. "Hm? Slow down a little Josh" I grin, but he seems to understand what I'm getting at- he know I heard him perfectly...well, almost. This seems to help him build his confidence slightly- I mean, he at least manages to look me in the eye this time. "Look- I like you Tyler- a lot...an' I know it's a little weird, but I can't help it, you're the sweetest little button I know!" He rambles, his fingers running softly through my messy hair, a smile on his face as he admire me.

"Wanna know a secret?" I ask.

"Of course I do! We don't keep secrets little one"

"I like you too" I giggle childishly nuzzling his cheek, he makes an 'o' shape with his lips before placing them on my cheek lightly, "I'm glad..."


Work is boring, I'm waiting for my shift to end so I can go back home and get ready to meet Josh- we agreed to take it slowly, to keep it as much as a secret as possible, but I couldn't help but call Awsten once he'd left me at work- and now he's coming to visit me! Even if Awsten is coming to visit me at work, I still want it to go quicker because Josh told me he'd take me out after to get ice cream, and then to the movies! And I'm so excited! I just wanna go now.

I heard the small bell ring telling me there was another customer, so I quickly scrambled from stacking the shelves to greet them. "Welcome to-Josh?".

"Just wanted to browse through music" he shrugs devilishly, I roll my eyes watching him walk around to the pop punk section, his hand going into the hair moments later signaling that he wanted me over there with him.

"Need any help sir?" I ask in strict business mode, I refuse to break code even for him. "Sir now?" I nod "nope, just wanted my eye candy over here" he smiles, but the bell went a couple seconds later, I glanced at him and he gave me a warning glare- but I couldn't just ignore it. "I'll be right back!" I tell him stalking over to my bestfriend  my arms instantly going around him. I could feel Joshs' eyes burning right through me as we both fan-girled a little.

"What did I say, hm?" He asks me a knowing look on my face, "you're adorable! Anyone would love you" he whispers in my ear aware of joshs' presence. "He's taking me out later, come round and help me dress??" My best friend nods looking at me outfit now, "yeah, you'll need it" he jokes earning a small slap on the wrist from me.

" 'scuse me, could I get some assistance please?" I hear him calling from behind me, I roll my eyes as Awsten starts to giggle a little to himself "cute" he coos. "Here, take these, I'll be home soon! Wait for me" I tell him as I fish my keys from pocket to hand to him before going back over to an impatient Josh.

"Stop being so needy" I joked "and if you're gonna pretend to look through albums, come pretend where I'm stacking".


"Thanks for keeping me company at work...I guess" I frowned as he walked me back to my place "It's okay...my mind was getting loud" he admits, "as weird as that sounds"

"Not weird at all- I understand" I slip my hand in his swinging it in the air ever so slightly "That's sad" he shrugs pulling us closer together, "I know" was all that was said until we got to my door.

"Bye bye Joshiee"

"I'll be back soon, make sure you're all dressed up!"

"I will be! Awsten is there to help" I smile kissing his cheek lightly.

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