{Brendon Can't stop apologising}

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"God! I'm so sorry I lost you!" Brendon exclaimed for the tenth time in the space of five minutes. I shrug my shoulders glancing around at all of the people that currently surrounded us. We usually go and sit with Josh, but with Hayley being on Josh's back we're sat at a table in the halls...I hate it.

"It's okay Beebo, I forgive you" I reassured his unsettled mind. I really felt bad for him, I know he didn't mean to wonder off- it just happened, and nothing could change that now. But I forgave him long ago!

"Baby, calm down" Dallon sighed pulling his boyfriend in for a hug, but my drinking buddy only pulled away to give me a hug, and to apologise some more..

This is going to be a lOOOng day.


"I coloured this for you" Brendon smiles pushing the small sheet of paper towards me. The page was filled with all sorts of different colours and shades. He really tried with this one. The picture itself was One big unicorn in the centre and a couple others surrounding it which Bren had coloured in different colours.

"Thank you Brenny" I smile taking the paper into my small hands so I could look at it better. "But if you say sorry once more Imma eat your sandwiches" I threaten poking his soft cheeks. He looked at me for a moment, almost to say 'you wouldn't dare' and I'm honestly taking that as a challenge...

"Okay...I'm sorry though" I raise my eyebrow at him shoving him slightly.

"I love you bren"

"Love you too Ty, Ty"


"Hey! Ty?" I turn towards one of my best friends, a small smile on my face as he stands in front of me and Josh an awkward smile on his face.

"What's up beebooo?" I ask watching him carefully. He was shifting nervously from foot to foot, with an uneasy look plastered across his face...he tried to hide it with a smile...but this only made him look creepy, and slightly constipated..

"Uhm, wanna go on a date with me?" My mouth kinda just dropped open, "I said that wrong..." He mutters. Josh kinda just sat there, staring at the awkward boy waiting for him to fix whatever just flew from his mouth.


"Nope, Ty, lemme reword that" he quickly cuts in. "Will you go on a date...with me and Dallon?" That was exactly fixing it, but okay. I glance between Beebs and Josh (who mainly looked confused) before shrugging.

"Heck yeah I would!" I laughed hopping off of Josh's lap so I could hug Bren. He laughed a little hugging me back.

"Haha, Bro! That's like so gay" he yelled out.

"Uhm 'scuse me" Josh speaks up, his eyes locked on me and my best friend.

"You can come too" Brendon rolls his eyes, "but you'll have to pay for yourself" he winks throwing his arm around me.

"Ha, I get free food" I giggle evilly.

"HA! I'm not coming over tonight" my eyes go wide, and so do his seconds later realising what he'd said "nevermind baby I'm s-"

"Nope! What's said is said! I'm staying with Bren now" I fake pout.

"Awh, baby!" Josh begs "please don't be like that" he frowns reaching out for me, but I shook him off. "I'll let you pick something from the list?" He offers- I thought about it for a hot second. Is teasing him better than getting rewarded for doing pretty much nothing? Yes...I think it is...but I really want extra cuddles and headpats...

"Mmm, okay" I was sold- I was gonna get my headpats.

"Goodboy" I break free of Brendon's arms and worm my way back onto my favourite spot, aka: Josh's lap.

"Can I have head pats please?" The yellow haired man smiles down at me, his fingers beginning to comb through the brown tuff of hair on my head.

"Awh, what a sight" Dallon cheers as he pushes the door open.

"Wednesday Intervention Gang" Awsten yells excitedly as the rest of our group tumbles through the doors.

This hour use to just be me and Josh, but as of recently it hasn't been- and maybe that's for the best... especially with Ms. Williams being how she is right now, and our one on one was when she came pretty much every five minutes, so it's better like this. I do miss it being just us though, however, he's around mine pretty much every night anyways.

"Did Brendon ask you Tyler?" I glanced up at the mention of my name having spaced out a little, only paying attention to Josh's loving embrace...

"Oh, uh yeah!" I quickly answered, nuzzling further into Josh.

"Can I come?" Josh questions

"No" was the simple answer...

"Sorry daddy" I shrugged pecking just above that stupid patchy beard of his.

"He wanted to make it up to Tyler" Dallon went on explaining- looks like I'll be eating someone's sandwich at some point.

Sorry, not sorry.

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