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Max: Some of us are, like me, there chill people

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Max: Some of us are, like me, there chill people.

Virgil: Yeah, this kid is cool

Preston: I watched Thomaz for the musicals, then got introduced to Roman!

Space Kid: Not really

Gwen: .... yes


Thomas: CAN I STAY?!?

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Thomas: CAN I STAY?!?

Me: fine

Amethyst: Yo! Did somebody summon me?

Nikki: She. Looks. Awesome!

Amethyst: Look a kid, just like Steven!

Pearl: Indeed, just as long as they dont-

Max: Who the fuck are you?

Pearl: -cuss. Steven, dont say that

Steven: Ok

Peridot: *using computer* Hmmm, it seams like were at a summer camp, and they are asking random people... is this safe?

Me: Totally!

Amethyst: I like this chick *points to Nikki*

Nikki: WOO HOO! I knew it!

Nikki: WOO HOO! I knew it!

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Max: Shut up

Niel: it's not that ba-


Me: Aww, dont be ashamed, its pride month, silly *throws diffrent flags everywere* I am pansexual.

Max: Whatever, it's not like-

Nikki: Just tell him dang it!!!


Me: Oh boy well, goodbye readers!

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