Ask #51

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Harrison: ........ *questions his life and sanity* B-but-

Alex: You broke him

Alex: You broke him

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Niel: No

Alex: Its a dare

Niel: I hate all of you, fine

*Niel goes up to Max*

Niel: Wanna go on a date?

Max: Sure why not

Niel: Wait- really

Max: Yeah

Alex: You two are going to Olive Garden! With me as supervision

Max: Your like, only a couple years older than us

Alex: Shut up

Gwen:  Its going good

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Gwen:  Its going good

Jen: Yep, we are in a healthy relationship!

Gwen: We watch TV while the campers are asleep

Alex: Aww, well that's enough for one chapter, bue everybody and campe diem!

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