Total Drama Crossover

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Alex: Yes!

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Alex: Yes!


Chris: What- you ruined the challenge for toda- where are we?

Max: Hell

David: Camp Campbell!

Duncan: Where at a shitty child's camp

Chris: I guess we can shoot here...

Everybody on Total Drama: Noo!

Gwen (CC): We're going on TV?!?

Chris: Yeah, sure

Noah: No thanks, I'm going to eat. Probably better than Chef's cooking

Max: No its not, don't waste your time on the food.

Owen: It can't be that bad!

Max and Noah, sarcastically: You're right, its probably amazing. *eyerolls*

Alex: I'm already loving this

Duncan: *carving something into the mess hall with his knife*

Heather: Ugh, this is stupid Chris!

Sasha: I agree, its lame!

Gwen (Total Drama): Look Heather, a mini you. Both annoying and petty

Heather and Sasha: No I'm not!

Gwen (Total drama): Sure....

Niel and Harold being nerds

Cody: This isn't so bad

Max: Wait for it....

David: Ooook campers, we are doing something a bit diffrent today. So head over to the activities field!

Max: There it is.

*At the activities field*

Chris and David: We are doing a challenge!

Everyone exept the adults: This does not sound good...

David: Head over to Spooky Island *thunder crackle* and retrieve a lost item inside the house.

Chris: You're going to work in groups of 4. You must have two people from here, and two people from us.

Niel: Ok, me, Noah, Max, and Harold.

Heather: These three. *points to the Flowerscouts*

Nikki: Owen, Ered, and Duncan!

Gwen: Courtney, Dolph, and Preston.

Harrison: Cody, Nerris, and DJ

Chris: Ok, the rest of you stay, we dont have enough boats. (Aka I'm just lazy)

Everyone else: Thank god!

Chris: 3, 2 1, GO!

Everybody heads toward the boats and goes to Spooky island. Long story short, Nikki's team wins.

Alex: That was fun. Thank you and Campe Diem!

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