Ask #58

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Daniel: Anyone who flirts with David is giving a death star and a punch

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Daniel: Anyone who flirts with David is giving a death star and a punch. Kiss him, you're dead.

Jen: Yes

David: Twenty Øne Pilots!

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David: Twenty Øne Pilots!

Max: MCR and Cavetown

Niel: I dont know *in his mind: BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY-*

Nikki: Lots of stuff!

Preston: Musicals! Hard go name a specific...

Space Kid: I'll be happy with anything! Expect rap...

Ered: Cool music.

Dolph: A lot of stuff.

Nerf: Meaningful songs....

Gwen: K-pop, musicals

Jen: Same as Gwen

Daniel: Rock, Cavetown, shit like that

Alex: Musicals, rock, Cavetown, Heather's, BMC

Jasper: 90's music

Jasper: 90's music

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Daniel: Cats

Nikki: Dogs!

Max: Cats

Niel: Cats

Alex: Cats

David: Both!

Space kid: Puppy!

Ered: Dog

Dolph: Iza dog!

Preston: Both!

Gwen: Cat

Jen: Dog

Jasper: Both

Alex: That's all for now- *gets notification* What's this?

Alex: That's all for now- *gets notification* What's this?

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Alex: The fuck is this??!?!? I'm confused, help, campe diem everybody! Help me figure this out

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Alex: The fuck is this??!?!? I'm confused, help, campe diem everybody! Help me figure this out.

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