Ask #50

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Neil: Not telling

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Neil: Not telling

Alex: I will take you somewhere private

*Niel appers in the attic*

Niel: Fine! Max probably

Alex: *makes him reappear* Thank you

Alex: *makes him reappear* Thank you

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Gwen: Jen, actually. I'm seeing Jen at the moment

Jen: That's correct!

Harrison: Thank you!

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Harrison: Thank you!

Preston: As for the most awkward thing....

Harrison: Preston was writing fanfics while Doloh drew fanart of me and Nerris.

Preston: Whatever, it was still a amazing oneshot! As for being alone, nothing really, other than me singing loudly when I thought I was alone...

Alex: Thank you and campe diem! Also check out my Ask my OC's book that I just posted! Please?

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