Valentines Day!

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Me: Happy Valentines day everyone! I'm so lonely...

Gwen: Time to update my fanfics

Me: Speaking of fanfics.. (totally not sponsoring my Danvid oneshot book) where and Daniel and David?


Daniel: Shit shit shit shit shit! *currently running through isles in a store to find Valentines day presents*

David: *Peacefully writing a note with flowers*

Back to me*

Me: Ok.. anyways- Nikki?

Nikki: *Eating chocolate like a goblin in corner*

Me: ....mood

Max: *in the distance* I don't need your shitty Tiger Pops Niel!

Me: Oh, that's where they are.

Niel: Take the damn lollipop for fucks sake!

Nerris: +1 no Valentine

Harrison: *with flowers* Hey-

Nerris: No

Preston: dang it

Me: Dolph, SK? Nerf, Ered?

Dolph: *painting the campers* I haz no valentine

SK: I'm watching Toy Story with my dads later!

Ered: Meh, idk, maybe skating with Nikki

Nikki: *happy gay noises*

Nerf: *crying over Chris* Chris...

Me: By y'all! Any happy (late) Valentine's Day!

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